Chapter 9

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Mal POV.

Luckily everyone was focused on their breakfast so they didn't realize I was gone. I was sitting on the cold bathroom floor waiting for the results.  There was no way I could be pregnant again, right? It had been 5 minutes and I went to pick up the test, then I saw a thick second line. I was shocked tears were rolling down my face and I didn't know what to do.

It had now been over an hour I've just been sitting here. Then there was a knock on the locked bathroom door. I didn't want to open it so I shouted, "who is it?" they replied with, "It's me, Belle, are you alright? you have been in there a while" I decided to unlock the door, I had the test in my pocket. I walked out of the bathroom trying not to make eye contact with Belle, but she tugged on my hand and we were looking into each other's eyes. Then she whispered, "You took the test didn't you?" I nodded, I made sure nobody was around, then I discreetly passed her the test.

Belle POV.

She passed me the test, I gave it one glance and I saw two thick red lines. I know I was the one who gave her the tests but I was still shocked. I could tell she was really upset, so I just wrapped my arm's around her then whispered, "It's going to be ok" I can't believe this. She's 16 has 2 kids and she's pregnant. It's not exactly her fault. I mean, her life on the isle was difficult. I could tell she was worried and scared she had every right to be. I decided to tell Adam myself because I didn't know what his reaction would be, and I don't want Mal to be scared of the people she lives with.

I went over to Adam and showed him the test. I think at first he thought it was mine then I said, "Mal" he looked at me and laughed. He saw Mal coming down the stairs, I thought he was going to be mad, but he went over to her and hugged her. Then he said, "we will get Fairy Godmother to do a magic check up here, It will be okay we will help you" I looked at him and gave him a smile then gave Mal a smile to. Suddenly Fairy Godmother was in the room. She looked panicked then said, "They're bringing over more VK'S to Auradon" we all looked at her confused, and then Mal said, "What's the problem with that?" she looked around the room and spotted C.J then she said, "C.J has been chosen to go to Auradon prep, that means she can't be here and she will have to go to back to the isle for them to pick her up to then live in the dorms"

Mal turned to C.J whilst crying, then Mal said, "text me all the latest gossip, and try to stay out of trouble, alright? and DON'T spill on my whereabouts okay" she nodded and was also crying then C.J turned to Fairy Godmother and nodded. In the blink of an eye, she was gone. Mal looked distraught. Her kids were in the garden playing, but they came running in arguing, you could see Mal had tears in her eye's, but she was trying to hold them back. She had just lost one of her best friends and found out she was pregnant, she has the right to be upset and cry, but I know she still believes her mother, that crying is weakness. I hope she is going to be ok.

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