Chapter 14

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"Heeeeeeeeeey guys" they were at the door, I was dreading this moment I have been here for a long time but I still couldn't bear it. I knew I had to talk to them, they were right there and knew where I was. So I said, "I guess you have a couple of questions?" Evie then said, "More than a couple!" I picked up Mackenzie and said in a stern voice "Mackenzie what have I told you about broken glass!" then Jay said, "you have a lot of explaining Mal, can we come in?" Adam butted in and said, "I don't think that's the best idea" then Evie said sarcastically, "Well you won't mind us going to tell Ben the great news that we found you then?" I quickly said, "Wait, please don't do that" Evie then said, "That's what I thought" I looked at Adam and Belle signaling to move out the way and then said, "follow me then"

Me, Evie, Jay, Carlos, Adam, Belle, and Mackenzie were all sitting in the living room once again in silence until Maddie, Mason, ran down the stairs Maddie carrying Maisie. Maddie shouted, "AUNTIE EVIE" then put Maisie down, ran up to Evie, and gave her a huge hug. Mason shouted "UNCLE JAY, UNCLE CARLOS" he also ran up to them but they did some sort of handshake. Maisie and Mackenzie came onto the sofa with me and I held them close. Maddie sat on Evie's lap and Mason sat between Jay and Carlos. Belle and Adam stood around, then Evie said, "I think we can have a wild guess at why you left, but I'm sure Ben would have been supportive" I sighed then said, "Evie when I left I didn't know I was pregnant, I came here because I couldn't tell Ben about Maddie and Mason, also what would the press think, Kings girlfriend had 2 kids at 11" then Carlos said, "but don't you think he deserves to know?" I smiled then said, "Yes but we were 16, he's king, what would the kingdom think? irresponsible teen pregnancy, no thank you, anyway I had Belle and Adam's help, and they also thought it was for the best he didn't know"

Jay didn't say anything for a while, I think he was taking it in until he said, "Guys why the hell are you trying to be nice about Ben, we know who he really is, remember" I stood up confused and slowly walked over to Jay and said, "And who is he really?" Jay turned to Evie then to Carlos, then back to me. Belle then cut in and said, "I think I know my son unless he has done something in the past few years" then Evie says, "No, Mal do remember when you were 11" I nodded and said, "very clearly, please don't remind me" after a bit of silence Carlos said, "we might have to" then shortly after Jay said, "Mal, we are going to tell you something, and you may want to kill someone after" I was so confused, so I laughed and said, "haven't wanted to do that for a while" we were in silence, then there was a knock on the door, Belle said, "I'll get it, if its anyone unexpected, well, I'm better at handling it, Adam" she was staring straight at Adam, I had to try not to laugh. Who was at the door?

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