Chapter 16

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Ben POV.

It was the day when I was first going to visit my parents. I felt like I had to make an effort seen as I have never visited them. Fairy Godmother walked me to the through the forbidden forest all the way to there hidden home, it was beautiful. My mother opened the door and said, "Ben, hi, so nice to see you, in our home, so unexpectedly" I couldn't help but feel as if she was being sarcastic. My father just shook my hand and nodded. I followed them inside and Fairy godmother trailed behind. I sat down on a sofa and I pulled out a toy car from between the sofa. I looked at them and said, "What's this?" even though I knew exactly what it was. My mother then said, "don't you remember it was yours when you were a little boy" I raised my eyebrow and said, "but I have never been here, and I haven't played with toy cars for a very long time" then my father calmly said, "we were going through your old things, that would also explain if you see anything else around the house"

I thought this was a bit weird but I brushed it off because I know my mum can be very sentimental. Later that day I asked for a tour of the house seen as we had sat in the living room all day, I thought it was also strange that my parents have a 5 bedroom house but they have 1 room another is a spare and the rest were completely empty, no furniture in them at all, once they had shown me around, I said, "this is a lovely house but don't you think its a bit big for just the two of you?" my mum then replied with, "Honey if you are referring to the empty rooms we just haven't decided what we want in them yet" I nodded and we just sat down on the sofa again. Things seemed a bit tense, no one was talking then Fairy Godmother said, "how about some drinks" I quickly responded with, "yes please, tea, 1 sugar" Fairy Godmother nodded then took Mum and Dad's drinks for a refill.

Suddenly I broke the ice with, "If you were wondering, I still haven't found Mal" Mum and Dad looked at each other then over at Fairy Godmother until Dad said, "Son, we think it's in your best interest if you stop looking for Mal, find another love, get married, have children. I'm sure that's what Mal would want, for you to be happy" I was shocked how nice he was being about this, obviously, he was saying the completely wrong things but he was being nice.

I looked at my watch and said, "it's about time I get off then, it's quite late" They escorted me to the door and waved goodbye, Fairy Godmother stayed behind and waved to. I was happy to see my parents, but they were acting a bit strange, maybe it's because they are getting older. I took one last look at the house and walked home.

Belle POV

I love my son, but I was glad when he was gone, I was terrified he was going to find something else or discuss Mal and I would crack. Fairy Godmother stayed behind and used her wand to magically make, Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos, Maddie, Mason, Mackenzie, and Maisie appear. It was quite late so Fairy Godmother used her magic to put everything in place. Mal put the kids to bed and then we all sat in the living room. Mal then hesitantly said, "How's Ben?" I then said, "Dear, he is doing just fine, he misses you, but he is fine" Evie then said, "Mal it was so nice to finally see you, do you think we could see you again now?" Mal nodded and said, "There is nothing stopping you, why don't you come tomorrow and we will have a picnic in the forest?" Carlos then said, "That's a great idea ill bring the cake" Jay then said, "I'll bring sandwiches, and I promise they won't be stolen" then Evie said, "I'll bring one of my Evie's4Hearts blankets" I then said, "and we can get the rest, now it's late so you need to get home and we need to go to sleep we have had a long day"

Everyone hugged each other even Adam, when they left Mal looked upset but also I haven't seen her smile so much in a long time. We then said goodnight to each other and went to bed. Its been a crazy day but, at least it worked out, right?

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