Chapter 1

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I watched the scenery change through the window of the car. From big, sky high buildings of the city to big meadows with nothing in sight. I sighed and looked over to my left. My dad was tapping on the steering wheel with his fingers to the beat of the music. He had a happy expression resting on his face. How could he not have that? He was about to move in with his "new love". My dad's gaze met mine and I turned my head away from him. I placed my arm on the door and rested my face in my hand.

This sucks! I had such a good life before my dad decided to ruin it! I was in a band, I had amazing friends and a girlfriend. But only because mister couldn't like a woman closer to us, we had to move our asses to the other side of the country. I've never even met this woman. I know her name is Leslie Fromer and I have seen some pictures of her and her son. I have no idea how he is called. I don't really care anyway. My dad talked a lot about that woman and tries to make me more positive about her, but that will never happen! She will not take the place of my mum!

Pain started to fill my heart; my mum died in a car crash five years ago. She went to work but never returned. I was twelve when that happened. I remembered that I was watching the news with my dad when we heard a knock on the door. The door revealed a policeman who told us the bad news. I remembered how my world froze. My mum meant everything for me. I knew I could tell her everything and she wouldn't judge. She supported me in everything I did, like my passion for music and painting instead of sports. My dad was mad at me for not liking football, but my mum stood up for me. Who is going to do that from now on? Who is going to cook my favourite pasta? Who is going to clean my room? Who is going to help me with my homework? Who is going to make the house a home? Who is going to listen to me play? Who is going to love me?

My mum was a beautiful, down to earth woman... Without her my dad was a mess. I quickly learned how to clean the house and how to make food. My dad is messy and impulsive and makes the worst decisions, just like this! Marrying a woman on the other side of the country who your son has never even met. And you know what? Let's drag him along with me and make him drop everything he has.

I had a perfect life. I had found an empty garage outside twon and cleaned that up. I lived there from time to time together with my girlfriend Stephanie... Well, ex now. Stephanie was beautiful and weird. She always wore black and looked very intimidating. She loved to spray graffiti and to explore abandoned buildings. Her green eyes and purple hair made her so different in a beautiful way. She liked to smoke weed and was known for being a rebel. People found it weird when they found out we were dating. I am just an emo looking kid. Brown hair and eyes, wears band shirts and a lot of black. Sometimes white, purple or red though. I am very outgoing, while Stephanie just has her small group of friends. We met at an art store. I was buying graffiti to paint my guitar. I showed her my art and we started to hang out. Breaking up with her was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. I really loved her.

Saying goodbye to my friends was also really painful. I had a lot of friend but my bandmates were my best mates. I was in a rock band called UFO: Ugly, Fucking Orphans. Why that name? Because we all felt left out by our parents and people didn't really liked how we looked. Our band was pretty popular in town. Our last show was so cool. People all wanted to see me play my last show as an UFO member.

I wonder how my new life is going to be. Starting in a new school. I hope people are cool here and I will make new friends. Maybe there are some punk kids out there, or other eccentric people. I hate average humans. So boring. I am going to have a stepbrother. How would he be? Would we get along? And how would my stepmother be? And my new house?

I cursed underneath my breath; I hate my dad for doing this. Why would I even care about those people? How harder I'm going to make it for my dad, the sooner we get to go back!
Back to our real house. Back to my friends and old school. Back to the big city. Back to the place my mum got scattered.

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