Chapter 13

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The same morning routine as always:

I will wake up from my alarm, jump out bed (scare Newton awake) and then do my business in the bathroom. After that I get dressed and I head downstairs. Newton and I sort of made a silent compromise that I would make us breakfast and he would make us lunch, so I will make breakfast and then eat that. After five minutes or something Newton will come down (In the same black hoodie and jeans as always) and will make us lunch. When he's finished, he will take the breakfast that I've made and start eating. When I'm finished, I will brush my teeth, pack my back and go to the garage. Five minutes later Newton follows me and we cycle to school together. As always, Mondays are not the days that we talk a lot. Why? I have no idea. I guess Newton doesn't like Mondays.

We put our bikes away and when I was about to split with Newton, he handed me something. I opened my hand and saw a key with a label that said; Clocktower. I wanted to thank him, but when I looked up, Newton had disappeared in the crowd, one of the best things he can do.

I met up with Owen and Mike, but Elio was nowhere to be found.

"You haven't seen Elio either, have you?" Mike asked me. I shook my head no.

"Have you talked to him after Friday?" Mike asked me. He looked very worried. Again, I shook my head no. I had no idea what was wrong with him. I mean, I know he admitted his sexuality towards me and his feelings for Mike, but would he be so broken about that? I hope he doesn't think I will tell anything to anyone. Because, why would I?

We entered class and at the last second, Elio entered. He didn't say much and just sat down.

"Where were you?" Mike whispered, but Elio never answered. When class was over, he walked away as quick as possible.

"What is up with him?" Mike asked sad. I felt really bad for him. Mike and Elio did everything together as long as they can remember. Suddenly losing that without any explanation must be weird. Elio must be in a difficult place as well; liking your best friend and not being able to out those feelings must be heart breaking, and then also see your crush fall in love with someone else must be even worse.

The next two classes Elio acted the exact same way and it got to my nerves. The uncomfortableness was unbearable. When it was breaktime, I decided to follow him. I shoved him into the lockers when we were alone.

"Dude what the fuck!"

"Exactly. What the fuck. Why are you acting so strange?" Elio didn't want to look me in the eyes.

"Is this because of what happened Friday?" Elio didn't answer me and kept looking down.

"Hey!" I snapped. Elio finally looked at me. His eyes stood sad. It was really weird to see an always so cheery and tuff guy looking so depressed.

"Talk to me."

"I am just worried and devastated about the football game, nothing more." He's lying. There hasn't been a football game for a while, nor is one coming up.

"I don't care about what you confessed to me, if that makes you feel any better. And I haven't told anyone, and I also never will. I promise." Elio looked at me with a sad smile of gratitude.

"Mike is worried about you. He called me over Saturday because he has noticed you're not yourself lately. I didn't tell him anything, but you've got to know that you worry him."

"Don't you think I don't know that? He calls me every night and asks me if I'm ok. But I can't tell him the truth, can I? I don't want to ruin a brotherly friendship or his relationship with Sophie." I kept silent. I didn't now how to answer him. I also wouldn't think that it's a smart idea to tell Mike how he feels. But what else can he do?

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