Chapter 29

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It was a beautiful day, so me and Newt were sitting on the porch. We were playing our guitars. Newt played the chords and I played the tabs. It was a nice atmosphere. So peaceful and calm with the sun in the background and the smell of flowers and the forest in the distance. I wish we could stay like this forever. Just me and the love of my life. I looked at Newton and he looked at me. He blushed and looked back at his fingers. More chords filled the evening sky

"Boys? It's very beautiful, but can we talk with you guys for a minute?" Leslie stood in the door opening with a nervous look resting on her face.

"Sure. Is everything alright?" Newton and I entered the dining room and saw my dad leaning against the kitchen counter. He didn't look excited. I became nervous.

"Ok, so." Leslie started. "I was cleaning and I accidentally hit the bookshelf, making a book drop. When it fell, it opened itself and a few pictures came out."

Newton and I shared some looks. There was one book where we kept pictures in; the shark book. And we both knew what kind of pictures they were.

Leslie shove a picture towards us over the table. It was a picture of me and Newton kissing in the forest of our vacation together. I loved that photo. If they saw this, it probably meant that they knew. Angst filled me when I looked up at the faces of my dad and Leslie. Are they mad?

"What does this photo mean?" Leslie asked with a pressed down anger voice. She stood calmly next to the table. Her face didn't stood mad. More scared. Why would she be scared? Scared for our reaction maybe. She's probably scared that me and Newt indeed are dating.

"It's not what it looks like." I tried to defend me and Newt.

"Not what it looks like?!" my dad suddenly laughed. "Then what is it supposed to look like? You guys are kissing! ARE YOU GAY?" the last question was more pointed towards me then towards Newt.

"TELL ME!" my dad came closer to us. With this sudden movement, Newt got scared and grabbed my hand. My dad looked at our intertwined hands.

"I knew it. I've always known it. YOU'RE A FAGGOT! A FUCKING FAGGOT!" my dad walked a bit away from us to grab the vase with flowers which he threw on the floor. Leslie got scared and slowly backed up. Pure fear was visible in her eyes. She has never seen my dad like this. Unfortunately , I have; with my paintings.

"How is it possible that you keep finding ways to disappoint me?" my dad sighed with his hands in his hair.

"I could ask the same question to you!" I suddenly said. I regret it the moment after I said it.

"What did you say?"


"No, no. You had a big mouth. Tell me what you just said."

"Robert, please stop." Leslie tried grabbing his arm, but my dad shoved her away.

"Keep out if it!" Leslie got as pale as a ghost and stood against the wall, trying to make her as least noticeable as she possibly could.

"Don't talk to my mother like that!" Newton tried to act though, but when my dad let his eyes fall on him, he became insecure again. Newt hid behind me.

"You don't tell me what to do you small piece of nothing."

"Stop it dad! That's enough." I had enough of this and just wanted to get to the point, but my dad wasn't done.

"Protecting your boyfriend I see."

"Yes, because unlike you, I'm not a dick!" my irritation started to shine through. I had enough of his constant complaining and hating the idea of me being happy.

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