Chapter 18

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"You're coming, whether you like it or not!"

There was an important football game for our school tonight; if we won this, we would be playing in the competition for the whole country. Or something. I don't know. Again, I know nothing about sports. All I know is that the whole school is tensed or hyped about it. Everyone wanted our school to be the best of the country. I did too, but it's not that important to me. It was important for Mike though. It was all he could talk about. More specific; Elio was all he could talk about. He knew how much Elio had trained for this and how much he wanted to play professionally eventually. Even though Mike and Elio haven't talked in weeks, Mike still supported him. I guess that's the meaning of a true friendship. Mike eyed a lot towards the jock table to watch out over Elio. It was creepy honestly. Almost like he was a stalker.

A week before the game, Mike came sitting by us fuming with anger.

"What's up."

"I tried to help Elio. I saw him trip, so I came to him to help him. Ya know because of the game, he can't get an accident so close to the game! He needs to play!"

"And?" Newton made a gesture with his hand, motioning Mike to get to the point.

"He blocked me off! He smacked my hand away and told me to leave him alone. Like, what the fuck! I just wanted to help him!"

"You have to consider." Owen tried pocking his straw into his Capri Sun drink "You guys haven't talked in what, two months? Do you expect him to just, take your help and act all buddy buddy with you?
Goddammit, get in there!" the last part was towards his straw. Newton yanked the drink out of Owen's hand, put the straw in and gave it back. Owen send a short thanks and started to sip. Mike just rolled with his eyes and then looked down, resting his elbows on the table. Newton started to rub his arm in a comforting way.

"I know you're right, Strawboy, but like. I'm at least trying to be ok with him again. I don't even know why he's so mad at me." Mike started to play with the peel of his mandarin. It was a silent lunch after that.

When it was the day of the game, I dressed up in a blue shirt with the name of our school on it and the name of Elio. It was his shirt actually, that he had forgotten about. I smeared some blue and yellow stripes on my face and looked over at Newton. He was sitting in his comfortable clothes on his bed with his phone.

"Aren't you getting dressed?"

"For what?" he didn't look up from his phone.

"The game tonight. Are you coming?"

"Why would I do that?" he used his sassy tone and finally looked up. I love his sassy playful tone.

"Because it's nice to support our school. And the whole friend group is going." I playfully smirked.

"Meh, I rather stay at home." He focussed back to his phone again.

I was done with his sassiness. I took the paint can in my left hand and walked to his bed. I placed my leg around him and sat on his lap. 

"What are you doing?" Newton had pure panic in his voice and I let out an evil laugh. Newton squirmed underneath me, trying to get out of my hold. I hold his wrist and pushed his other arm down with my elbow. I placed two stripes on his left cheek and wrote a seven on the right one.

"You're coming, whether you like it or not!"

I placed the paint down and took now hold on both his wrist, pinning him down to the bed. I looked at my art work and Newt's angry eyes.

"Beautiful." I kissed the tip of his nose.

"Gross." Newt tried to pull his hand out of my grip so he could wipe his nose, but I fought back, pinning him even harder down.

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