Chapter 18: Checking the Traps

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You'd followed Danny downstairs after a moment of silence, a pause to enjoy your life once more. You had stepped into the kitchen, surprised to see the whole place empty except for Brahms preparing plates of food.

"Where is everyone?" you ask, though you're answered by Freddy slinking from the dining room.

"Good morning, Kitten," he waved his gloved hand, leaning on the counter and eyeing the food as it was prepared. "How'd you sleep?" Freddy purred, tilting his head, "I was tempted to spend some time with you, but I thought you deserved some beauty sleep."

"Thanks, Freddy. I slept well, actually. I feel better today than I have in a long time." you lean against the counter as well, watching Brahms' fluid movements, completely comfortable in your pink, floral-patterned apron.

"Y'know you were pretty hot killing those bastards, all covered in blood with that crazed look. Good job, it was brutal." Freddy's smile was amused, and you smiled back, rolling your eyes.

"Well, thank you, I guess."

"Do you feel guilty, at all?" standing up straight, Freddy watched as Brahms juggled the plates on his arms like a pro and prepped to move off to the dining room. You hesitate, then shake your head, smiling nervously.

"I probably should, but I... I just..." you frown, and stare at the ground, a guilt clawing at your stomach; not a guilt for actually ending their lives, but a guilt because you were... almost happy they were gone. Freddy was about to speak again, but Brahms, seeing your discomfort, cut in,

"Breakfast, (Y/N), Freddy." he tilted his head as you lifted your gaze to meet his, nodding and letting him take the lead. You and Freddy follow close behind, and you're greeted by the dining table, bustling and filled with chaos. "Calm!" Brahms almost snaps, and everyone goes immediately silent. He nods, satisfied, and begins to set the plates down in front of those sitting around the table. You take a seat at the head of the table, one Danny was frantically motioning towards. To your left was, of course, Danny, and to the right was Jason.

"This is very nice, Brahms!" you smile, Brahms setting down the last plate at the other end of the table where he would sit. He seemed to buzz with pride and happiness, and even from across the table you could see the brightness in his eyes at your praise, the way the corners of them would crinkle with his smile.

"Why thank you, (Y/N). That is very kind." he takes his seat, and the moment he nods his head as an 'ok' everyone digs in. The only empty seat was the one Michael would have sat in, and you made a mental note to bring him his meal once you were finished. Jason lifted his mask to expose his mouth, shrinking into himself as he did so. You catch his eye for a heartbeat, smiling, and he smiles back. It's adorable, and you find your heart melting into putty. You take a bite of the omlette on your plate, savouring the tomato, spinach and cheese held within. It's a burst of outstanding flavours, perfect together. Jason suddenly perks up, reaching for a notepad on the tabletop you hadn't noticed, scribbling with a red ballpoint pen and holding it out to you.

'(Y/N), I have a question'. It reads, and you nod in a way that says 'please, continue!'. He takes back the notepad, scribbling once more.

'I want to get better, and not worry you. Can you check my traps so I may rest?' he pushes the pad back to you, tilting his head like a puppy as you read. Your face splits with a smile and you nod almost immediately.

"Of course, Jay!" you chide, and Jason, now satisfied with your response, returns to his food. He seems much happier already, more confident with his half-exposed face.

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