random facts about byeol

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A/N: Short chapter, but I just wanted to write a few facts about your character in this story. I hope you look forward to the upcoming chapters!

•The literal definition of 'maknae on top'
•A LiViNg MeMe
•She is a very picky eater, and some of the foods she doesn't like include chocolate, cake and cucumbers
•She finds it difficult to use chopsticks, so it takes her really long to eat sometimes (but she doesn't eat much so it isn't very noticeable)
•She is highkey oBSESSED with Kkami, like she's wHIPPED
•Her favourite food is tteokbokki
•She has a terrible fear of water because she almost drowned when she went into the sea at the beach thinking she could swim, but ended up realising she couldn't once she actually got into the water
•She has a fear of heights, but strangely loves them when she's on rollercoasters
•She has a slight fear of loud or sudden noises, so things like fireworks and balloons make her nervous
•She has slight motion sickness, so long car journeys or plane journeys are very difficult for her (they make her feel dizzy and give her headaches rather than making her sick)
•People often compare her to a koala or a panda, because she's really cuddly and adorable
•If you tell her that unicorns are fake, you better be prepared to run because she will aTTACK
•She's a HUGE animal lover OMG
•She has a Labrador Retriever back in London called Luna, who she misses greatly :)
•Her favourite animals are pandas, wolves and koalas
•She is tERRIFIED of bugs and creepie crawlies like that - the only animals she doesn't like :/
•Whenever she has a nightmare or misses home she goes to Chan for cuddles or just to talk because he comforts her
•A flaw of hers is that she gives out amazing advice but never takes it herself :(
•She has a chronic problem with her right hand, which is her dominant hand, so she often has to go to the hospital to get MRI checks or physical therapy sessions
•She had to learn how to do many things with her left hand due to her injury, including writing, so she is ambidextrous (but still prefers to write with her right hand until it starts hurting because it's much easier)
•Her eyesight is pretty poor, so she tends to wear her glasses if she's not at a schedule (where she will normally wear contact lenses)
•She has anaemia (iron deficiency)
•She attends school online
•Often struggles with reading Korean more than speaking
•She gets mixed up and unknowingly switches to English while talking sometimes
•She keeps a journal, but she doesn't write in it as often as Seungmin does
•She also has a lyric book, which mainly contains ideas or unfinished songs
•She has a sketchbook, which she often takes with her to music shows or schedules to keep her entertained in the waiting rooms
•Her in-ears are like a mix between Felix's and Hyunjin's - the left one is gold and glittery and says 'Stray Kids' on it, while the other is silver and has her stage name on it
•She loves cooking and baking

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