skz-talker (i am who era) highlights

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A/N: Hellooooo, I'll be writing about SKZ-Talker by doing a chapter of little drabbles for each era rather than for every episode, where each paragraph will be a separate drabble. Hope that makes sense, love you all! <3

"Do you like my hair? Byeollie did it for me~" Hyunjin strolls into the waiting room for the music show where they would be performing My Pace later that day. He happily sat on Seungmin's lap, who was with Minho talking to the camera. The boys laugh at his hair. You join them a few moments later to sit on Minho's lap, the four of you conversing in front of the camera.
Hyunjin was feeling really hot and sweaty, and since you guys had a while before you had to get your hair done for the performance you decided to help him put it up so it would hopefully bother him less.
You grabbed a spare clip that the stylists were using to section your hair and put it on for him, pulling it up into an apple hairstyle. Giggling at how cute he looked, you hugged him before letting him walk around happily to show the others what you did to his hair.

You moved over to sit with Changbin, laughing at how he was struggling with the polaroid camera.
You silently watched as he tried to figure out how to hold it, laughing when he couldn't find the button to take a picture. After finally being able to find it, he faced it towards the camera.
"Let me take a picture of talker's eyes," you laugh as he takes a picture of the camera.
"Okay, now let me take a picture of our princess, Byeollie~," he says, turning to face the camera towards you, "she's the most beautiful!"
You blush, but shyly move your hands to play then under your chin in a flower pose, causing the other boys who were nearby to coo at how adorable you looked.

You guys were doing a mini fan meeting, and it was Changbin's birthday that day.
You were talking to the fans haply, when Jisung suddenly left saying he had a stomach ache. You were worried about him so you weren't really paying attention to what the others were saying, just looking back at the door he exited from. Seungmin, who was stood next to you, had noticed that you hadn't really been listening due to your anxiousness. He wrapped an arm around you and rubbed your arm soothingly in an attempt to make you feel better.
Thankfully, Jisung returns after a few minutes, this time with a cake, so you were able to let out a sigh of relief at the realisation that it was just a way for him to surprise Changbin for his birthday.
You guys talk happily with the fans for a while, Changbin holding the cake and your smile finally returning as your previous worries washed away.
You look over at Changbin and gasp when you notice that the cake in his hands is about to fall. You and Seungmin both react quickly and try to catch it, you being closer to Changbin so you reach over more, but it falls before you manage to get to it.
You guys all stare in shock before everyone bursts into laughter at the sight of the cake on the floor as well as the frosting on your hands.
You laugh, walking over to Changbin to wipe some of the frosting on your hands onto his cheek.

You were all chilling backstage, waiting to perform, you sitting on the sofa next to Changbin while scrolling through your phone.
You looked over at him when you noticed that he was falling asleep, his head lolling to the side.
You could tell he wasn't comfortable by the awkward angle he was sitting at, so you move closer to him.
"Oppa, you can sleep on my shoulder if you want," you whisper into his ear, gently pulling him closer to you.
He hums tiredly, his eyes still closed, and moves to cuddle up to you. You smile, moving your hand up to run it through his hair as you let him sleep.
Seungmin shows up a few minutes later, camera in his hand, and the two of you converse with the camera quietly, you still playing with Changbin's hair and your arms around his shoulders.

You were eating some food, talking about the ISACs that were coming up soon. Everyone was evidently nervous, particularly the ones who were participating.
You, Hyunjin and Chan would be taking part in the 60m sprint amongst a few other events, and you were all teasing Hyunjin since he was the most nervous.
"Hyunjin hyung, if you fall act like you're dead okay?!" Jeongin jokingly shouts, causing you all to laugh.
"Yah, what about Byeollie and Chan hyung?" he asks, to which the boys throw him looks that say 'really?'.
"They're probably going to win, or at least make it to the finals."
"Noooo~" you say shyly, causing the boys to laugh.
"Okay, true." You laugh at the way Hyunjin accepts defeat almost immediately, eventually joining in on the joke.
"Don't worry oppa, I'll be cheering you on! We all will."
He reaches down to where you were sat on the floor to pinch your cheek, causing you to scrunch your nose cutely.

𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 Where stories live. Discover now