the 9th (season 2 - episode 5)

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A/N: I'm sorry this chapter is so bad :(

You were enjoying a peaceful walk through Central Park, giggling when you saw a squirrel.
"Hannie oppa, what are you doing there?" you ask, which the others hear and immediately join in on.
"Why are you so small Han-ah?"
"Jisung oppa/hyung is small anyways!" you and Jeongin say in perfect unison, giving each other a high-five immediately after.
You walked around the park a little longer, taking in the beautiful scenery and enjoying the free time you had been given for the day.

You then headed to the place that you and Jeongin had been looking forward to the most that day, which was the zoo. You couldn't contain your excitement as you walked in, now holding Minho's hand, practically jumping up and down the whole way. You managed to see some sea lions, penguins and monkeys.

You all immediately started making fun of Changbin when you saw the monkeys, laughing as you started making your way to the gift shop to look for some souvenirs before heading to Times Square. This time you definitely weren't allowed to let go of Minho's hand since it was so crowded, and the boys had noticed that it had begun to make you feel slightly nervous by how many people were surrounding you.

The view was so beautiful that it quickly made you forget about your anxiousness though. It made you speechless. It just made you realise that you wanted to work even harder now, and hopefully end up being on one of the signs in Times Square. Some people even recognised the five of you and asked for photos, which you happily agreed to. It really was a healing experience for all of you.

Since it was getting pretty late by that point, you decided it would be a good time to head back to the hotel to meet up with the other team. You all sat on a sofa in one of the rooms, you between Hyunjin and Minho. It was pretty cold by this point since it was quite late, so Hyunjin had given you the jumper he was wearing over his t-shirt and wrapped his arm around you.

You guys did a small toast before enjoying the fruits that were prepared for you as you told the other team about the places you visited for your tour, and how your day was in general.

You then spoke about what it was like performing at KCON, and about how nerve-wracking but also how meaningful it had been to already have so many people supporting you after only debuting a few months prior.

You told the boys that you found it really enjoyable to finally be able to perform with 3RACHA, and they agreed. You had been helping them with lyrics and music months before even joining their team, but had only ever sang a little in Placebo, just preferring to help. It was really fun for you to finally be on stage with them.

The others complimented you for your impressive rapping during the performance, and the 3RACHA members were quick to agree. You had actually been pretty nervous since you, Jisung and Changbin started the performance from different areas in the audience, and it threw you off because of the fact that you weren't starting the performance standing directly next to your boys. All of the fans seemed to like you and enjoy your rapping though, and you had a pretty positive reaction from the audience where you were. It just meant a lot to you to have so many people cheering you on.

"Oh my god oppa," you turn to Chan, remembering something that made you laugh, "when you said 'Imma protect Stray Kids, do it for the squad do it for the team,' I couldn't stop smiling!" you say, the others chuckling at the way you imitated Chan's part. When you heard it during the performance, it made you grin as you were making your way to the stage to start District 9, despite having heard it multiple times when rehearsing the song.

After calming down slightly, you start talking a little bit about how nervous you were to rap during that performance. Initially it was only Jisung and Changbin who were going to rap in the intro, but they asked if you wanted to try after a few hours of practice. You were hesitant at first because you still weren't fully confident with your rapping, but with their help you were actually able to do it pretty well. You had recently grown to love rapping just as much as singing and dancing, so it was a really fun opportunity for you to showcase that to the world. The boys all said they were really proud of you, making you feel a lot better.

"Honestly, I was really nervous because I've never rapped that quickly before. I've had shorter and slower raps in the past, and even then most of them were during the survival show so it had been a while. I wasn't sure if I could do it well, but I ended up really enjoying myself. I loved that rap," you say, remembering all the cheers you heard after the performance was over. It made you smile. The boys immediately began reassuring you.
"The fans really do love you, Eun," Jisung says, reaching over Minho to grab your hand.

Talking about how much you enjoyed rapping ended up giving the 3RACHA boys a few ideas. They looked over at each other, smiling discreetly while you spoke because they knew they were all thinking of the same thing.

You then started talking a little bit about your debut activities, and how you all found them. Hyunjin spoke up about how he was worried about his rap and ended up mispronouncing some words. You were quick to tell him that he did really well and that there was nothing for him to be worried about. He had improved so much in such a short amount of time, and you had all definitely noticed. You gave him a smile and a hug from the side, and he responded by holding you tighter in his arms and giving you a kiss on your temple out of gratitude.

You guys spoke and enjoyed the food a little more before ending the episode, and the season, in the perfect way on your last day in New York.

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