two kids room (vol.1) highlights

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A/N: How is everyone finding the story so far? By the way the Felix one made me so soft~ (v)

"There's something I've always been curious about," you start as you make yourself comfortable on Chan's lap. You had your back against his legs, laying so you were facing the ceiling. You grab the packet of gummies on the table and snack on a few of them once you're seated comfortably. Chan hums for you to continue speaking, running his fingers through your hair.
"What made you want to add me to the team?" you ask, looking up at him. He smiles, knowing you would ask that question at some point.
"I mean, we all fell in love with your personality and your talents as soon as we met you, and you helped us a lot with our music," he says, before looking up at the camera, "STAYs might not know this, but Byeollie here is an unofficial member of 3RACHA, she helped us a lot behind the scenes after she joined the company and started hanging out with us."
"Noooooo, shush," you say, covering your face out of embarrassment.
"What~ it's true though," he replies with a giggle, moving to pinch your cheek.
"The boys trusted me wholeheartedly when I told them about you, and after meeting you we all knew we wanted you to debut with us. Honestly, it just felt wrong not to. I think the fact that we have a female voice amongst us makes it that much more unique, and we're able to go beyond the vocal ranges and just the general aesthetic that we would've had if we had just debuted as a boy group."
"Awwww," you coo at Chan's praise, reaching up to poke his dimple that had become more prominent as he was talking.
"You're good though, yeah?" he asks after a moment of comfortable silence.
"Yeah I'm fine," you look up at him with a genuine smile, knowing what he meant. The boys had all been really worried since your diet situation and, although you seemed to be getting better, he still wanted to know how you were feeling.
"That's good then," he says happily, leaning down to give you a kiss on the forehead.

"What's the hardest thing been for you?" he asks the next question. You hum for a moment from where you're sitting opposite him on the sofa with your legs on his lap, thinking of a response.
"Probably being away from my parents," he makes a noise of agreement, understanding how you feel, "Like they always took me everywhere I needed, and when I told them I had been accepted into JYPE they literally dropped everything to bring me here. They even stayed here with me until I debuted so I wouldn't be lonely, and it was pretty hard for me when they had to go back. I think the fact that they've just always been around is the main reason as to why it's been so hard getting used to them being on the other side of the world." he hums, reaching forward to grab your hand to help you feel more comfortable speaking about this.
"But it's okay!" you cheer, "they're not worried about me at all because they know I have all of you here protecting me. I'm just glad I'm able to make them proud, because I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them. They encouraged me to actually apply to JYPE in the first place, so I owe it all to them."
Jisung smiles at you in adoration, leaning forward to kiss your forehead.
"You have done nothing if not make them proud of you, we know that for a fact. You're doing a really good job okay Byeollie? I promise," he says, to which you squeeze his hand and throw him a grateful smile.

"What was your first impression of me, oppa?" you ask Changbin while you wait for him to unwrap your lollipop. He hands it back to you and you thank him, keeping quiet for a few moments to give him time to think about what to say.
"Honestly Chan hyung often spoke about you before I actually met you, so I'd already heard about how talented and kind you were, and I was just really interested to find out for myself about what you would be like. When we met you we realised how adorable and sweet you are, and it was just really easy for us to get close to you so we didn't feel awkward around you. We also can't forget to mention that you're one of the most talented trainees we've ever seen," he laughs when you shyly bury your face in his neck for a moment, before moving to rest on his shoulder while he continued to speak. "We were really excited when Chan hyung told us that he was adding you to the team because we thought you'd be a really good addition, and it was a bit of an unspoken thing between us that we all really wanted you to be a part of the group, but we didn't think it would be possible so none of us ever really brought it up. So when we found out that you were actually able to join we were really happy. We also trusted Chan enough so we already adored you before we'd even met you from how fondly he spoke about you."
"But did you guys not find it weird when you found out a girl would be joining the team?"
"We didn't really care. We all knew and became friends with you before we even knew that Chan was planning to add you to the group, so it didn't feel weird or anything. We knew you must've been really good if Chan was constantly praising you and chose you despite the risk of hate and stuff. Just because you're a girl it doesn't take away from the fact that you're one of the most talented people I've ever met. You cheer us up without even trying, and you make us all forget about our worries which is so important. You just get along really well with us all, so it already felt like you were a part of the team before we even met you. It almost felt wrong to not debut with you."
You sigh in content, thanking Changbin shyly for all of the praise.

"What do you think my charm is?" you ask Felix, cringing at the question but also curious about his response.
The two of you were sitting very closely, you were sat on his lap sideways with your arm around his neck playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. You were absentmindedly playing with his fingers with your other hand, and his free arm was wrapped around your waist.
"Hmmm there's a lot," he says, laughing at the way you cover your face shyly, "your dimples and your eyes are definitely some of my favourite features of yours." He reaches forward to poke your cheek, right where your dimple was, causing you to smile even wider.
"I like your moles as well, they're cute. They're kind of similar to Hyunjin's, don't you think?" he asks, reaching up to tap your nose in adoration.
"I think all of the fans will agree with me on this, but I love your freckles so much," you say, letting go of his hand to touch his cheeks. He smiles and hugs you, letting you admire his freckles as much as you wanted. You often did this, just silently admired his freckles while cuddling with him, so he didn't mind as it was nothing new. It made him feel good about himself too, so he was more than happy to let you continue.
He just stares at you with an affectionate smile as he lets you touch his face and admire his freckles as he continues, asking the next question.
"What did you think of me when we first met?" he asks, and the two of you smile fondly at the thought.
"To be honest I had a feeling you were going to be really smiley and cute, and I was right! But when you first introduced yourself with your deep voice I was so shocked," the two of you burst into giggles at the memory. When he first spoke you had visibly flinched at the sound of his voice, not expecting it to be so deep. The two of you quickly laughed it off though, and you became friends almost instantly.
"When are you most happy?" he asks.
"When I'm with Stray Kids," you respond without any hesitation and he nods, agreeing wholeheartedly.
"I have never felt as happy and loved as I have when I'm with all of you. Each and every one of you have made me feel like I actually belong somewhere, and my heart just feels so comfortable when I'm around you guys. Honestly, I didn't think I would be able to experience that, because I was coming to a country that I was almost entirely unfamiliar with. In terms of both language and culture I was really behind, so I wasn't really sure if I would ever feel like I would belong somewhere. Until I met all of you amazing boys," you smile, reaching up to kiss his cheek, "thank you oppa."
He pinches your cheek before moving to run his hand up and down your arm comfortingly, and you knew what he was thinking without him even needing to say the words.
You belong here with us, Byeol, and we love you so much.

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