cute moments with the boys #1

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A/N: I'm so sorry I've not been updating as much recently, I hit a bit of a writer's block while writing the next chapter that I had planned, so I decided to write this one instead before attempting that one again. This isn't proofread by the way, so I'm sorry if there are any mistakes! Also THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE READS AND VOTES I LOVE YOU ALL AND REALLY APPRECIATE IT :')

•Chan was doing his ending comment at one of the concerts during the tour, when the fans suddenly started chanting 'Bang Chan best leader'.
•It made all of you smile, and you ended up joining in as soon as you understood what they were saying.
•You ran up to him from your spot on the other side of the stage next to Seungmin and pulled out one of his in-ears so he could hear the chants better, before joining in and staying by his side.
•He eventually hugged you and moved to hide his face in your hair out of embarrassment, which made the fans cheer even louder.

•You guys were practicing some choreography at the company building when your leg suddenly started aching a lot.
•Eventually the pain got so bad that you couldn't stand up any longer, having lost the strength in your legs, so you fell to the ground.
•This gained the attention of the boys, and they all worriedly ran to you to check if you were okay.
•Minho was the closest to you so he got to you first and helped move you so you were sat up more comfortably, in a way that didn't put too much pressure on your leg.
•You could tell they were worried so you were quick to reassure the boys.
•"I'm okay I just have a cramp I think, I probably just didn't stretch properly today."
•They decided to take a break to give you time to rest and get rid of the cramp, and Minho instantly moved your leg so it was now on his lap and helped you stretch and massage the cramp out.
•You gave him a kiss on the cheek and a hug to thank him.

•You were studying a bit of Korean in the living room, the boys either chilling in their rooms or sleeping because it was still quite early and none of you had any schedules that day - most of them were just lazing around.
•Changbin walked through the living room while on his way to the kitchen to get some snacks, when he noticed you sitting there.
•Your hair was out so whenever you leaned down to write something your hair kept falling in front of you and getting in your way, but you were too concentrated to bother with tying it up.
•Changbin quickly got some snacks before sitting with you to keep you company, feeding you every so often and helping you with some of the parts that you were struggling with.
•He eventually realised how much your hair was irritating you so he got a hair tie from your room and just started playing with your hair while you continued studying.
•He ended up finding it fun and started playing with your hair and trying to braid it, which you didn't mind because it felt nice and was also keeping your hair out of your face.

•You were really tired while chilling with some of the boys in the living room, and you were yawning a lot and being really clingy.
•Not that the boys minded, they always find it adorable.
•Hyunjin could tell you were tired because your head kept lolling to the side and eventually rested on his shoulder, but you didn't really look comfortable so he wordlessly lifted you up and moved you onto his lap.
•When you opened your eyes in confusion from the movement he reassured you.
•"Sleep Princess, it's okay," he told you with a smile so you made yourself comfortable, wrapping your arms around his neck and nuzzling your face into his neck with a content sigh.
•His arms were around your waist, one of them rubbing your back to help you go back to sleep.
•He ended up carrying you back to his bed and sleeping with you on his bunk that night because you wouldn't let go of him, but he wasn't complaining.

•You guys were cuddling in the living room watching TV one evening after a tiring schedule.
•You got hungry after a while but didn't want to leave each other arms so you just laid there trying to figure out what to do.
•"Oppa, I'm hungry."
•"Okay let's get some food then."
•And then neither of you moved because you were so comfortable and warm.
•He just laughed at you.
•"Are you going to move?"
•"So how's this going to work?"
•So then you finally got up (albeit reluctantly) but didn't let go of each other, so you guys were just waddling around together in each other's arms.
•The others found it really cute and took lots of pictures and videos.

•Felix was acting really crazy during a dance practice, aS aLwAyS.
•So when you guys had a break he was doing lots of Fortnite and TikTok dances and all the boys were just laughing at him.
•You suddenly called him and he stopped to look at you, so all the boys looked over to see you stood there with a judgemental look on your face.
•You basically stood there in silence for a while acting like you were going to scold him.
•But then you suddenly joined in and started doing the dances with him so all the boys ended up joining you guys and it literally turned into a little dance party.
•Let's just say when the dance teacher arrived a few minutes later he was vERY aMuSeD.

•When Seungmin injured himself and had to sit out of some of the concerts during the tour you guys did your very best to help him and to cheer him up.
•During the performances you were constantly beside him and singing with him, and you were hugging him a lot during the songs to make him smile.
•He was having a lot of fun, but all of you could tell that he was still sad to not be properly performing and dancing with you guys.
•Therefore you guys were all doing your best to hype him up and make him as happy as possible, both on and off stage.

•The boys were all pinching Jeongin's cheeks and gushing over his cuteness because of something he said during a variety show, and he was getting really embarrassed from the attention.
•He decided to distract them so the focus would no longer be on him, and what better way to do so than by moving the attention to their adorable maknae?
•He managed to move to you and pinch your cheeks and acting the same way with you as the members were doing with him, which ended up with all the members joining in and moving to gush at your cuteness instead.
•You just looked over at him with a deadpan expression, causing the hosts to laugh at the interaction.

𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن