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Luna woke up along with her roommates had a little snack and went to their classes.

Luna and Stella walked to their class when Eva stopped Luna and asked if she could sit with her.

Stella thought she would disagree but what she said startled her.

She agreed and sat with Eva and told Stella that she would sit with her any other days.

Stella was really disappointed.

She never thought Luna would ever except Eva's suggestion.

"She was a bully how could Luna sit with her, did she forgot our first day?", Stella thought to herself her eyes started filling with water but she rubbed it off and sat next to Anna.

Anna asked Stella why she was unfulfilled. Stella told that she has a feeling that she is losing her best friend.

Anna asked, "Who was that?". 

Stella didn't reply to that question and started whimpering and wiped those tears and sat silently.

Stella looked at Luna and saw she was hugging Eva.

She ignored it and thought to herself that it was just for a day and she wouldn't talk to Eva again.

She thought of talking to her while going to the cafeteria.

After a few classes, it was their lunchtime so Stella went up to Luna and walked with her to the cafeteria but then Eva stopped Luna again.

Stella didn't want Luna to go with her again.

She closed her eyes hoping that Luna won't go and then she heard Luna saying "Yes, but I will come back right after talking to her friends, " Eva agreed and went.

Luna and Stella walked towards Rose and Bethany. Rose noticed that Stella was kind of off.

She thought of asking her but then Luna said that she wanted to meet her other friends and asked if she could go and hang out with them later.

Rose and Bethany approved and she left.

Rose asked Stella if everything was fine and she told the whole story.

They both were shocked and Bethany asked if Luna went to Eva and Stella replied "yes".

"No way let go and check said, Rose"

Three of them went looking for her and they saw her talking to Asher and the rest of the popular teenagers were there's as well.

Stella frozen for few seconds and Rose told Stella that she believed the story she said.

then they saw Asher placing his hand on her waist. Bethany covered her mouth to not scream and then they saw Asher leaning close to Luna and rubbing her hair gently.

Her friends never expect her to be one of them.they were heartbroken.

They wanted to call her but they decided not to. They kept looking at her and they saw Luna really close to Eva and Sebastian as well.

Then Rose thought of approaching her but Stella stopped.

Stella told her that they will plan first and not jump to conclusions.

"Let's pour water on her" Rose said angrily.

"That would make it even worse" Bethany replied.

They heard the bell rang and thought of going back to their classes. Stella entered the class and sat in a seat nearby Anna.

She saw Luna walking to the class with Eva and she was surprised to see that Luna approached her and sat next to her.

Luna asked," Stella how her day was, and why was she upset?"
Stella ignored and didn't even look at her.

Luna was confused and Luna felt like she made a mistake without her knowing it.

She thought of asking her once again while going back to their room and she did but Stella ignored and walked away from her.

She then thought of talking to Rose and Bethany about it but they were also was not happy to see her.

She felt confused and disturbed but she thought of forgetting about it and thought that she was judging and feeling it and it wasn't real...

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