42-A chat

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"When is Anna coming here?" Stella asked.
"Let me contact her," Bethany answered.
"No need to call, I have contacted her and she will be here now,"Luna replied.

They heard a knock on the door and Rose opened it and it was Anna.
"Hey guys, The account is ready let's start it," Anna said.
"Let's sit on the sofa together, " Stella said.
"This is Asher account, " Rose said showing his account.

"So let's just say "Hi" and wait for reply. Our name is Maria, " Anna said.
After about an hour. He replied with a "hey" back.


Maria: Hi

Asher: Hey, who are you?

Maria: I'm just a random girl

Asher: Oh, You look so beautiful

Maria: Aww, Thank you

"We are acting all girlish, " Stella said to others. "That's the part of this plan, " Anna replied.

Asher: I am Asher Zain and I guess you are Maria.

"Ask him where can we meet," Bethany said to Anna.
"Ask him if he have a girlfriend," Luna said.
Ask him if he is single or taken, " Rose said to Anna.

Maria: Yes, Where can we meet ?

Asher: Sorry girl, We can't meet I'm stuck in this hostel

Maria: That's sad, Can I ask you something?

Asher: Of course sweetie, What is it ?

Maria: Are you Single or Taken ?

Asher: I'm single why?

Maria: Oh nothing you just look so handsome

Asher: Wanna be my girl ?

"What should we say?, "Anna asked.
"Say Yes, I guess, "Stella replied.

"Are you sure?, "Anna asked. "Yes, Just say Yes, "Bethany replied.

Maria: Yes! I would love to

Asher: Can you send me your picture

Maria: it's already in my profile

Asher: Oh okay

"He is definitely disappointed," Luna said laughing and everyone joined her.
"Ask him if he have dated someone before," Rose said.

Maria: Have you dated anyone ?

Asher: Nope never, your the first one

"You will be exposed big fat liar, " Luna said angrily.
"He will," Stella said.

Maria: Aww that's sweet, where is your hostel located at?

Asher: Do you GHS aka Garden high school ?

Maria: Oh I know it, it near my house.

Asher: Bye, Gotta go someone's at the door.

Maria: Oh bye my babe

"Eww, we are gross, " Stella replied.
"Agreed," Rose replied.
"Let's go and open to see if someone's actually at his door,"Bethany said opening the door and saw Eva.
"Poor girl, He is cheating on you,"Anna said.

"Guys it's Luke'a birthday next week and I want it to be special , " Bethany said.
"We have to surprise him" Bethany added.
"From where can we surprise?" Rose asked.

"Maybe from the park because it's his favourite place and ours,"Stella said.
"We can ask help from Sebastian as well, " Luna said.
"Maybe we could call Sebastian and some of Luke's close friends and make this party awesome,"Bethany said.

"It would be great," Stella said.
"Maybe we can play seesaw from there, " Anna said laughing.
"What should I give him?" Bethany asked.
"Your sweet heart," Stella answered.

"I always give him my heart so I thought of giving him something different,"Bethany said.
"I hope he would love what I am gonna give him, "Bethany said.
"What is your plan for the gift?" Rose asked.
"To give him a special watch, "Bethany said.

"From where can you buy it?" Anna questioned .
"I have already planned it and I am going to ask my big sister to send the watch through mail, " Bethany answered.

"That's an awesome idea, " Luna said.
"Who is going to bake a cake with me?"Bethany questioned.

"Me!" everyone answered.
"He really loves chocolate so I am thinking to decorate the cake with his favourite chocolates, "Bethany said.
"That would be great," Anna said.

"Maybe we could hang some balloons in the park, "Stella said.
"What about hanging some lights, "Rose said.

"What about a dinner?" Luna asked.
"We can cook the dinner too, " Bethany said.
"That day would be great but we have to make it as a secret from Luke because it's a surprise ,"Bethany added.

"We know that Bethany" Stella said smiling.

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