47-Torn jersey

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"This is going to be lit," Luna said.
"Asher deserves it" Rose replied.
"So tomorrow before recess" Anna replied.
"Goodbye Asher's jersey" Bethany replied.

Just like their plan Luna walked to his locker with scissors in her hand. She knew the passcode to it since Asher told her when they were dating.

She looked around to make sure no one was there then she opened the locker and took his jersey out. She flipped it upside down and cut the Jersey from the back. She slowly placed it the same way he placed and left from that area.

Later a few classes it was sports. They went to the field and waited for Asher and his priceless reaction.
They saw him walking to the field wearing the Jersey.

"Wait, What!?" Bethany said.
"You didn't tear it?" Stella said.
"Did you tear someone else jersey!" Rose asked shocked.
"He is walking with no problem" Anna replied.
"Girls! Wait until he turns. That's were the magic begin" Luna said.

"What are you wearing!!" They heard Eva crying out.
"What do you mean? It's perfectly fine" Asher answered.
"Oh My God! You are not my boyfriend!" Eva shouted.
"What is wrong with you?!" Asher said.

"What are you wearing Asher!?" Teacher John yelled.
"What!?"Asher replied confusingly.
The demonic couldn't hold their laughter anymore. Asher looked at them and said," What is wrong with me!?".

"Oh nothing, There is just a big hole in your shirt," Luna said laughing.
He touched the back of his T-shirt and felt his skin. He turned red with embarrassment.

"Who the heck did this to me!" Asher yelled.
The demonic laughed harder.
"What are you laughing for?" He asked.
"It was not me who did this anyway!" He added. "Asher! Go and change!" The teacher yelled and walked away.

"Be careful before you give the password of your locker next time" Luna replied.
"Argh! What is with you guys!" He said and Stormed out of the field.

"That was a good one," Anna said trying to catch her breath from laughing.
"The plan was really really great" Stella answered chuckling.
"I know right" Rose replied.

Meanwhile, Asher stormed out of the field. Luke and Sebastian pass him.
"What are you wearing, dude?" Luke replied.
"Ask your girl!" Asher replied.

"Dont blame them for no reason. She and her friends would never do anything unless you did something to them!" Luke shouted.

"You look pretty ugly in it" Sebastian replied laughing.
"What are you laughing at!?" Asher asked.
"I mean you deserve it right?" He added.
Asher boiled up and walked away.

"Let's go and ask them what really happened," Luke said walking to the field with Sebastian.
They walked to the girls and asked them what happened. They laughed and could barely reply.

After a few seconds, they caught air and explained it still chuckling.
Hearing the story, All of them laughed again.
"Come on guys, Let's start playing," the teacher said. "I don't want my favorite volunteers failing" He added.

"Let's start the game" Luna said.
They walked to the field and played. They tried not to think what happened but Anna could she started bursting in laughter.

After a few laughs she stopped. Everyone thought she was crazy but the demonic's knew it all alone.

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