Chapter One

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Today was the day.

I was finally going to live out my dreams of being one of the best flight attendant I could be...within rules and regulations of course.

I had dreamed of this day since I came home from college and the "Basic Airwaves Airlines" safety video played it's way into my heart the minute my flight had landed at LAX to get to my small city, California City with no direction on where my life would go next.

After that, I had enrolled in flight school, studied every book, watched every Youtube video, and even asked for a few seasoned flight attendants autographs. You know, for inspiration.

I had hardly been anywhere my entire 22 years of life because my family just never had the money to get around to doing so and pretty much saved up all they had for me to get a college education, but none of that mattered anymore.

This was what life I believed was all about.

I could travel, meet new people, get to fly me and my parents out for free on any flight, and even though the pay wasn't that great for me to start off, I was still determined.

So when I got the call saying I was the new official flight attendant of BAA, I was on the first lyft here and nothing was holding me back.

I was now walking through the LAX airport with my luggage and decked in my attendant uniform looking eager, excited, and insanely nervous all at the same time.

Watching people come and go from flight to flight, seeing other employees from different airlines I almost felt like I could pinch myself. I was going to be just like them in a matter of minutes.

I soon caught a glimpse of my boarding gate and smiled to myself happily and raced over. I could feel people staring and looking at me weirdly at how someone could be so giddy staring at a boring waiting area.

Once I started to approach, I saw a middled aged woman talking to another young woman, along with a young man in a pilot uniform looking over some kind of schedule.

The young woman clearly looked disinterested but attentive, also dressed in the same uniform as me.

"She's being unreasonable Amber! People come to work when they're sick all the time!" The middled aged woman said angrily.

The young woman who I learned name was now Amber, looked to her mystified and nodded.

"Well Evette considering Brianna is in labor, I'll give her your advise when she's done." She answered.

"Whatever! Carson, is he even here yet?!" Evette then asked the young man.

"Yep. He just checked in after checking out the baggage claim woman." Carson replied.

"Good! I don't have time for this much uncertainty! I've got a new girl coming in today who's-" Evette now started to respond.

I didn't want to be rude but I didn't want to keep listening into their conversation, and hear things I didn't think I was suppose to hear.

"Right here!" I interjected shyly. Both women looked up and over to me and eyed me up and down.

"This is what they sent me?" Evette then blurted out unenthusiastically.

I made a bit of an offended expression. Amber cleared her throat. Evette smiled smugly and walked over to me holding a few folders in her hand.

"I mean yes! You're here! I'm so excited!" She finished, gritting through her teeth toward her last word.

I could tell she was trying so hard to retract her initial comment. This woman wasn't going to be easy to please.

"Hi there! My name is Aaliyah Woods. Your new flight attendant and let me just say, this has been my dream for a long time! 5 months, 14 days, and 3 hours to be exact and I am so stoked that I get to be here and travel the world with you!" I said to her happily.

I was almost not remembering to breathe, but the way Evette was still staring at me showed me she wasn't even going to care if I lacked oxygen. She still seemed like a lovely person deep down within, once I had the chance to get to know her though.

But maybe that was what I was just hoping.

"You're so adorable!" Evette told me.

I smiled and shrugged innocently. I usually got called a perfectionist, but I'd take either one if it meant for her to actually like me.

"I spit out adorable. Then stomp on it more to ensure it's all gone." She then finished staring at me ominously. My smiled fell as she smirked.

"I'm Evette Faye. The Chief Pilot of "Basic Airwaves." I'm not like other chiefs because I tend to care a little too much about my job than the average person should, with the amount of pay I get. You'll be seeing me very present through most of your future flights." She explained to me. I nodded firmly.

Someone needed to have a vacation. She then held up the folders in her hand and up to my face.

"You need to fill a few information out before you do anything. The unnecessary usual. Like emergency contacts and blood type in case of an incidental plane crash and you need to go to the hospital. Or if you don't make it out of that said plane crash." She said.

My eyes widened shyly. I knew flying for a living had a lot more danger than on land but the way she was describing it made me feel like I was signing my death certificate already.

"No problem Evette!" I assured her. She looked at me sternly.

I thought it was okay. The Amber woman she was talking said her name so casually.

"I mean Miss Faye." I corrected myself. She smirked and pointed behind me.

"You can sit over there in our crew lounge area and complete the files. When you're finished, I'll introduce you to the crew members that make me hate getting out of my bed everyday. Now if you excuse me, I have a crisis to handle and a discussion I need to speak with one of my pilot's about. So if you have any questions..." Evette began to say.

"Well actually, I do-" I then started to ask.

"Don't ask me." She cut me off. I looked to her a bit intimidated and agreed slowly.

"Message received." I muttered. She smiled once more in a fake way, before walking away.

I sighed to myself still hopefully and optimistic, as I turned to see if Amber was still there so I could properly introduce myself. But right when I looked up, she was already gone off somewhere.

Today was still going to be my day. No matter what.

I turned around and caught sight of the bar area she was referring to and grabbed my luggage and walked over to it. Once I made it over there, I saw an empty seat close to the boarding gate and sat down opening the files and began to read them.

Before I could even write one word on the page though, I noticed the one thing I knew I should've remembered bringing with me. A dang pen.

How could I forget something so small and simple? I mean, I had double checked my bag shortly before arriving here. Then in the car ride, triple checked it and it still didn't occur to me.

I hated being so unprepared for anything. If Evette was seeing this, she'd probably think I was a slacker and unworthy of this uncomfortable yet rewarding uniform. 

As I looked up and began eying around if I could find someone to lend me one, a sudden male hand with light colored skin came in front of me holding one up for me. He just became an American hero.

"Need this gorgeous?" He asked. My face lit up.

"Yes! You have no idea. Thank you so much sir, I really appreciate-" I started to say.

I then turned around and looked up to see the man who had just saved me from embarrassment. Well for me anyway.

Once I did, I couldn't catch my breath and my whole body froze as I blushed at his compliment.

He was literally the sexiest man I had ever laid eyes on.

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