Chapter Ten

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I couldn't believe I had missed the only flight that had mattered in my career and my future.

It was like it was a nightmare that I couldn't escape from. But of course, being the wild partier I had to be right before a 5AM call time wasn't in any way the best idea.

But even though it sound sorta selfish, I was kinda happy to see I wasn't the only one and Aaliyah was right there with me. I knew from the moment I met her this job was everything to her and feeling like this was somewhat of my fault.

Urging her to have shots with me, even if she was looking with each shot she drank like the glistening, sexy, and fiery woman I was getting hooked to. I wanted to see more of it.

It wasn't the right time or the right place though. Especially if this was her first trip ever.

Now, we were even more screwed. The only thing we could do without getting caught or fired knowing our whole lives were officially on the line, just made me realize she wasn't going to be just any other woman I knew.

She was going to fight for what she needed to do. Even if it meant traveling all on our own.

It was a crazy and dangerous plan but it was the only choice we had.

We were now walking passed others entering and walking through the airport of Albuquerque, as we landed across our own airline and rushed up to the young dude who was standing behind the boarding gate, checking in a passenger.

"Excuse me sir, I booked an overnight flight and now you're telling me you can't change the delay?!" The passenger asked.

Ugh, I hated those kind of people. They acted like we could move airplanes according to their schedule. Which in hindsight, we could've used right now.

"Sir, if you would like to rebook your flight you have every option to do so. But if not, I can't just make a plane appear." He told him.

"Well why not?!" The man asked.

I wanted to punch this guy in the stomach. We didn't have time to do this right now.

"Great. This is going to take forever to get even a simple question answered." Aaliyah said.

I could see she was in a state of panic and I was refusing to keep her that way. She just seemed so worried and scared and for some odd reason, I hated even a second of seeing her angelic, soft, and enticing face so lost and uncertain.

"Okay, this is not gonna work. Man, move it." I said to the passenger, walking up in front of him and our fellow employee.

"Excuse me?! Who are you?!" The passenger asked me.

Was he serious? I for sure thought the uniform and the flight attendant next to me was enough clues for him to catch on.

"I'm the guy that's gonna make your ancestors see you bleed out if you don't leave!" I said pushing the man out of the way and looking up to the guy behind the counter.

Aaliyah looked to me shocked and surprised at my forceful attitude as I shrugged. I had many layers to me, what can I say?

"Jace! Little less obnoxious." she said to me sternly.

"Do you want to leave here or not?" I asked trying to make my point come across.

She definitely had a mouth on her that was more so even more hotter than my usual talks with women I go for, who pretty much could only speak about how good I was romantically, professionally, or just my looks.

The passenger then scoffed and rushed away as well as he should've. I could get violent if I wanted to. I just choose not to because I'd break his legs and some other body parts.

"Shouldn't you guys be boarding somewhere right now?" The guy asked me.

"See that's our problem! The plane that took off at 5, that was ours and we now need a form of transportation if possible. Please sir!" Aaliyah explained to him.

I could see when she generally got nervous or stressed, she tend to speak more than she could gasp for air. It was actually really cute. Well more cuter than I already knew she was.

"Ever heard of another plane?" The guy then asked. I smirked.

There was no need or time to have some guy behind a counter with an attitude.

"Look, you know just as well as I do that we can't necessarily do that! We're trying to catch up with that one. In order to do that, we need something to get us efficiently from here to at least El Paso, Texas. What other things can you do to make that possible Janson?" I asked him a bit pleadingly, looking over to his name tag.

I know I usually looked like I didn't care most of the time, but it was just how I operated. But when I needed things to get done, I acted like an adrenaline junkie. Something that went with my new personality.

"You know Evette Faye?" I asked him. The guy's eyes widened.

"Are you kidding me? That's like the most hard to please woman on the planet. I heard if I ever got close contact with her, she would shatter my dreams and spirits with just one look." He told us. Sounded about right.

"Oh yeah? Well guess what buddy?" I started to say leaning over to him and whispered. "We see her everyday in person." I finished. He gasped in shocked and nodded.

"I can rent you a cheap car off the record. That's the best I can do." Janson replied to me firmly.

That wasn't going to be much help. If anything, we would possibly be farther back than this plan could take us as it is.

"A car? Really?! What good is that going to do?!" I asked angrily.

"I don't know it's better than sitting here and asking me about it!" Janson said.

Aaliyah sighed and turned to me shrugging.

"Jace, what other choice do we have?" She asked me. She had a point.

"Okay fine! We will take it! But thanks so much you've been extremely helpful, and yes I'm being extremely sarcastic." I told him annoyed, grabbing Aaliyah's hand and walking away.

I could instantly feel something shiver down my spines and body the second I always touched her that was just so nice, calm, and inviting.

But at the end of the day, she had no interest in me and frankly chasing her was getting a little too exhausting even though I felt it would be worth it.

"Okay! We can't keep treating people like this if we want their help Bennett." Aaliyah said stopping, jerking her hand back.

I sighed and turned to her. I didn't have a lot of time on my hands. Once I was determined to go after something, I was willing to knock anyone who stood in my way.

"We're not going to get anywhere if we don't! We're on a bit of a time crunch and if I can't call Carson-" I started to say before it dawn on me.

My pilot bag. I had it with me everywhere I went and even though his phone wouldn't work, his headset radio would.

"What?" Aaliyah asked me noticing my face.

"My headset radio in my bag! I can alert Carson and Hunter of where we are and communicate through them to see if they can possibly try to help stall the second stop flight so we'll have a bit of leeway." I explained.

"Do you think that's gonna work?" She then asked me.

"Do you wanna be stuck with me in the unemployment line?" I asked her smartly.

She stared at me before nodding now more motivated.

"Give me that radio!" She sternly ordered me to do, grabbing my bag from my hand.

Rude. She loved taking control in a lot of things.

God this woman was going to make me run around in circles for her.

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