Chapter Three

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"And done!" I said happily to myself, writing the last words on all my employee paperwork.

It was official. I was now a "Basic Airwaves" flight attendant and I couldn't wait to see all the places I was going to get to go and travel.

Looking up now, I continued waiting on for Jace to return but when the 5 minutes turned into now 10, I had to give it back to him and report back to Evette as soon as possible.

I knew they had walked off with each other so I figured they'd still be in the same place. So, I decided to return his pen back and then check back in with Evette for the next steps.

I quickly got up and clutched the pen in my hand tightly so I wouldn't lose it, walking now back with my luggage still in my other hand for a glimpse of a man who looked like he should be a male model. Walking through the airport more, I couldn't make sight of Evette but it all went out of the window the minute I landed on something I never expected to see.

Jace Bennett locking lips with a blonde girl also in the same uniform as me, in a small corner near the airport employee hidden doors. My whole body went into in utter shock. That son of a-

"Cheater!" I blurted out toward them.

My eyes widened and I covered one of my hands now over my mouth shocked. I didn't mean to say that aloud.

Instantly, people around me passing then looked at me weirdly. Jace and the girl stopped and pulled away looking over to me. The girl completely flushed and now glaring to me as Jace turned to me and shockingly...smirked.

"Can I help you?" The girl asked me rudely.

Play it cool Aaliyah, play it friggin cool.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to-" I started to say shyly, as I kept looking to Jace to see if his expression would change. It didn't. That prick.

"I know you're busy with your girlfriend, but I just wanted to return your pen. You know, the one you flirted your way in for me to use?" I asked him calmly and snickered.

"Girlfriend?" The girl asked turning to him surprised. He rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"Don't even." He told her casually. She sighed angrily and glared walking away to me.

Was I wrong? What is this guy's deal?

I turned back to him as he walked up to me and smiled. Screw that smile, I wanted to punch it in.

"Thanks for the pen back." He simply said. I scoffed. Was he serious?

"Thanks for the pen back?!" I mocked him. "Are you sure you're not on crack right now?! You're a two timing cheating dog!" I shouted now madly. He chuckled and shrugged. Laughing. He was literally laughing at me now.

"See Miss Woods, that's where you're wrong. I'm not cheating. I don't have a girlfriend." He said.

"Oh sure you don't! You just flirt and try to seduce every innocent flight attendants huh?!" I asked crossing my arms.

"First of all, that girl ain't innocent. Second of all, I don't try. I succeed." He corrected me.

Can he be any more of a self centered low life twit?

"You almost had me fooled. I can't believe I almost fell for your stupid phony sense of attraction to me! No, you just saw fresh meat and wanted to take a knife to it! Do you have any respect for yourself?! You're a player!" I told him assertively.

"You know that for sure?" He asked me shrugging.

"I don't want to! I'm just calling it like I see it! You're a fake and a liar!" I said.

"I never lied." He said calmly. How was he being so calm about all of this?

"Just stay away from me Jace! This is suppose to be the best day of my life and I'm not going to let some man whore ruin that for me!" I shouted back.

"Will you relax? You're a first day flight attendant Aaliyah. You're not going to see your first adventurous trip in a while. All you're going to be doing today is fly from Point A, LAX to Point B, San Fransisco. Literally." He said smirking.

Now he wanted to poke at this bear. That was it. I was done trying to be civil with him, he clearly wasn't going ever going to be.

"How about you just suck it?!" I asked angrily walking up closely to him.

I could get his cologne once again and it smelled even more amazing than before, but this guy was a dirty little jerk.

"Gladly! At this rate, you've just lost a chance at a man like me sweetheart." He shouted back.

"You know what?! I'm not even going to acknowledge your existence." I told him.

"Why? Because you're not like other girls?" He asked teasingly.

"No. I'm just one girl you're not gonna screw." I replied full of sass.

He grew pale and looked now triggered. I knew that would get him.

"Eh, you seem like the romantic type. Your boob size isn't worth this much work." He said.

I glared to him and held my hand up and slapped him across the face as hard as I could, as people around looked shocked and surprised at the altercation. Jace just then stood there not moving in shock.

I didn't know what came over me. He just needed someone to give him a nice good slap to reality. He wasn't God and he wasn't going to be treated as such.

Without saying a word, my eyes widened as I turned around and quickly rushed away back to my boarding gate. Leaving Jace standing there alone. So much for good impressions on my first day.

I kept walking straight ahead as I could see from the corner of my eye, Jace now walking away in the opposite direction of me still holding onto his face in pain.

Good. I wanted to stay far away from him as much as possible and considering he was right.

Forget the potential boy drama that transpired for a brief moment, I realized that being my first day, there was no way I was going to travel farther than an hour away.

I wanted to do more. I knew I could do more.

I just wasn't going to get the chance for who knows how long.

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