Final Author's Note

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The time has now come!

THANK YOU SO MUCH for reading and getting to love these characters! It's honestly been a real fun time and I'm so happy I could share this book with all you amazing readers and writers.

It's always bittersweet when you finish a book you love and worked really hard putting your tears and many all nighters for but fear not, it is by far not the last of me either!

I've got more books than I can count that I will be posting here so I'm really excited about that!

For more of my works, check out my page with my first baby "The Social Class" if you're into teen romantic comedy, "10 Million Dollar Blackmail" if you're into action/adventure romance and criminal activity lol, and stay tune for the second installment, "20 Million Dollar Blackmail" if you love all those things plus taking trip to far off countries.

                                     STAY AMAZING! LOVE YOU ALL! 💙

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