Chapter Twenty-Six

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The time was 7:00PM. Only 1 hour until deadline.

We couldn't mess up anymore, find other transportation, or make any new friends if we wanted to make this work. This was the final countdown.

We were getting closer and closer to the landing of Belle's helicopter. Me and Jace continued to close our eyes prepared for the worst but hoping for the best, holding onto each other tightly.

"Are ya'll ready?!" Belle shouted to us.

"No!" We both shouted back.

She laughed happily as our whole bodies were in absolute terror until we started hearing skid mark underneath us. Quickly opening our eyes, we could see she was pulling the helicopter on the ground the safest way possible. 

Now coming to a screeching halt, we had actually landed in one piece. Belle had did it. We were shocked. With the disappointments we had met thus fur, she actually came through.

"Oh my god! Aaliyah! We're here! We're really here!" Jace shouted happily. I smiled back.

"Actually you're on the edge of Miami! Fort Lauderdale to be exact! I'm sorry guys but this thing don't have much life left in it for another 2 hours, until I get it fixed and ready!" She pointed out.

"We don't have that kind of time though!" Jace then said. I nodded in agreement.

"Looks like we need to make our own time then!"I said turning to him carefully. "We have to run it." I finished firmly. He looked at me shocked and surprised.

"Aaliyah..." he trailed off unsure.

"Jace. Trust me. Please." I pleaded with him. There was no other way.

Everything would be too slow for us to get there right on time. This wasn't any much better but we had a more chance of making it, if we did the rest of this trip by ourselves.

"Always." He answered mockingly.

I smiled and leaned over to him and kissed him tenderly as he kissed back, I turned to Belle and nodded. "We're gonna go on foot Belle!" I said. She looked to me surprised.

"You think that's possible?!" She asked us.

"Well we've got stuck in the middle of the hot desert, met a psycho girlfriend, watched a car get trashed, got drenched in mud, met a sleazy rich creep, stole his boat, met an amazingly talented undercover agent, and became a couple. Anything is possible!" I told her.

She laughed and nodded. Jace smiled and did the same. We all jumped out of the helicopter and down on the ground. Me and Jace grabbed each other's hand.

I looked down at my phone to see the time and looked over to him. "We've got 30 minutes."

"Let's go baby." Jace told me assertively. I giggled and smiled.

Turning back to Belle, she was now trying to check out the plane. I grinned gratefully to her.

"Take good care of yourself." I told her. She smiled and stared at us.

"You too. If you're ever in New Orleans both have a home waiting for you. It's been quite the adventure I bet." She said.

This was definitely going to be a trip to remember.

Me and Jace then began to book it as fast as we could seeing the intersection sidewalk for entering from Fort Lauderdale to Miami.

We still had a distance to go but I never felt more closer than we did now.

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Racing through the streets of Miami, we were keeping an eye of the time. There was no second chances, no hiccups, no anything. This was officially now or never.

The time was now 7:35PM and we could see we were getting close to the airport when he started to see airplanes flying over us more and more often. Pushing and racing passed people through the sidewalk, me and Jace could feel their weird glances and looks toward us. It was understandable.

We were roaming around the scorching summer streets of Miami with panic all over us.

"Jace! We have 25 minutes!" I shouted to him worriedly.

"Just keep going baby! We can't stop!" He replied.

This was worse than our run from New Mexico to El Paso. We couldn't give up just yet. Pressing and pushing ourselves more than ever, we kept running and sprinting as it got to the point we couldn't run anymore. So, we found ourselves just falling out in a nearby open grass in a park coughing and panting.

"I...I can't...keep going like this." Jace said way out of breath. I nodded and turned around and looked to see a row of bikes just standing there. I lit up a little and turned to Jace.

"Jace, you know how to fly a plane and a boat. Know how to ride a bike?" I asked breathlessly.

"Yeah of course! But you can't just take someone else's bike. They're rules for that kind of stuff." he answered.

I shook my head. Normally I'd be fearful for breaking any of them. But after all we'd been through, enough was enough.

"Screw the rules." I firmly said.

He smirked and nodded. I jumped up with the little strength that was giving up. I then pulled his hand as we raced over to the bike and within seconds, he managed to unpick the lock to one of the bikes and jumped on it. 

I jumped on the back of him and held on tightly as we began rolling, as a man then began running after us.

"Hey that's mine!" he shouted angrily. Too freakin' bad.

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Only a few minutes away from the Miami International Airport, we pedaling as fast as we could.

We were cutting it by the wire with the time being now 7:55PM and nothing was going to interrupt or get into our way. So, we quickly kept going with more force and determination.

As we finally then approached the entrance of the airport, we threw the bike quickly to the side as we grabbed each other's hand tightly and began racing inside.

Entering in, we continued running and passing everyone that felt like were purposefully getting into our way as we looked out the window to see our flight...landed already.

This couldn't be happening, we couldn't have missed our chance.

"Jace look!" I shouted.

"We still have hope maybe! Sometimes Evette come in late, we just have to check in before she comes!" He answered.

We didn't have time for maybes. Right now, it was either we were here on time or not. As we kept pushing on, we then saw our boarding gate along with others casually waiting for their next flight as we kept racing and gaining that little flame of hope back again.

"I see the gate!" I shouted.

We kept going as we were about to head into the gate, before our flight crew started boarding off and back into the lobby and started to rush into the hallway of the plane. Suddenly though, a voice behind us then called out for our attention.

"Hey you can't go in there!" the voice shouted.

We were a second away from entering in. We didn't have time to follow orders.

"Listen lady-" Jace then began to yell before...our eyes widened.

The voice. It was a familiar one. A very familiar one. One that we knew all too well.

Evette Faye.

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