Chapter Eleven

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I was up in the cockpit in the co-pilot seat as Hunter was continuing to fly overhead, as my mind kept racing over what just happened.

Jace wasn't here. He never showed up for check in, he never boarded the plane, and now he was somewhere stuck in New Mexico and I tried my best to get him here.

I knew this was his last chance to turn it around, I knew he would do almost anything to be a pilot for numerous personal reasons, despite his many failed attempts over the last 6 years to be anything but a ladies man with a uniform.

But this was very unlike him to just miss a flight.

More importantly the most crucial flight he was ever going to have. I tried to look for him, go to his room but nothing worked before I had to be at check in myself.

I felt like a terrible best friend.

"This just doesn't make any sense! Has he tried calling you?" Hunter asked me also worried.

I looked to him bitterly and sighed distressed.

"He probably has Hunter, but guess what?! Our phones don't work on airplane mode!" I shouted to him annoyed.

Sometimes Hunter wasn't all the way there but he made a good pilot in training.

"So what are we suppose to do when Evette comes to Miami and see that he's not there?!" He then asked.

"I don't know! If I knew, I'd be up cloud nine right now!" I said.

There had to be some way to talk to him or to at least let him know what really happened.

Suddenly though, there was a knock on our door as we both looked mystified a bit before it opened up. My girlfriend Amber walked in looking more worried and concerned than I was.

"She's not here!" Amber shouted to me.

"Who's not here?!" I asked.

"The new girl! Oh my god! I had her under my wing! I basically told Evette I would watch her like a hawk and I thought she was just late for check in! So I texted her a thousands times but she never answered!" She shouted to me.

I hated seeing my girl so upset and freaking out. This wasn't how today was suppose to go.

"Did you go to her hotel room at least before we all left the building?" Hunter asked her.

"Yes! But no one was answering so I thought she had left even earlier than me knowing she's one of those punctual type chicks but then when we took off, I noticed she wasn't here early! She wasn't here at all!" She yelled frantically.

This was just getting more bizarre by the minute. But then, when I looked over to Hunter and Amber now with our eyes now widened we had finally really realized what happened.

"Jace and Aaliyah are stranded in New Mexico!" I shouted astonished.

Suddenly, I heard Rachel coming in behind Amber and squealed a bit to us. We all looked to her confused. Clearly no one was watching over the passengers on this plane.

"What about Jace and that whore?" She asked shocked.

"Again Rachel! Wake up! He doesn't want you!" Amber told her.

"You don't know that for sure!" She defensively fired back.

I knew that for sure. He most of the time forget her name if it wasn't glued to her uniform.

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