6 - Am I a toy?

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I felt something blazing light over my closed eyes... shrinking my eyes I tried to sleep but I got again disturbed my volume of the TV. Pulling my duvet close to my burning eyes which lacked sleep for two days I tried to sleep again but this time I felt someone's presence near me as the volumes get increased with every minute. Opening my eyes a bit I saw Arjun sitting on the floor with his back on the sofa I laid down. 

"Arjun decrease the volume," I said but disregarding me he increased the volume, I took my mobile and saw it's just 1 am in the morning.

"Lessen the volume" I ordered loudly as he set the volume at its maximum.

Hitting his head, "can't you hear me? Reduce the volume" I shouted again as my sleep fly far away from me now as I sat up.

"I won't," he said frowning, "You have a TV in your room too" again he ignored me and took something out of his pocket. It's a cigarette and a lighter. Opening the packet he took a cigarette and keep it in his mouth.

"I never know you will smoke"

"You know nothing about me," he said lighting the cigarette inhaling it hard, "you're right" I laid back on the couch turning to the other side to hide my tears.

"I am always right" I closed my eyes to avoid shedding more tears, "turn to me so that I can also see you cry" my heart constricted with pain. Once he hated my tears now he wants me to see me in tears.

"I wish I never meet you Arjun" I saw smoke now means, he is seeing my back, "Getting you is not tough I would have made this happen anyhow" how easily he speaks all such things. I coughed a little when he puffed close to me, "so my maid wife don't like smoke?" I can sense smirk in his voice.

I turned around and saw him smiling at my suffering, my hands involuntarily moved to his face rubbing his cheeks tenderly, "why does my pain give you happiness?" I asked as a tear escaped my eyes seeing his revengeful eyes. He took my hand from his face and kissed my fingertip, "it gives me immense satisfaction" jerking my hands away from him, "I am not going to give you that satisfaction again" I said wiping my tears hastily.

"Yes I love you but not even to lose my self-respect for your sadist thoughts" his smirk changed into anger, "what did you say?" he asked gripping my wrist removing the duvet away from me harshly.

"You are a Psycho Arjun. Seeing happiness from others pain" I said calmly but inside I am breaking slowly.

His grip tightened around my wrist making me yelp in pain due to his harsh hold, "Psycho? Have you ever seen your father's face haa? Have you ever seen your father's original face or are you also involved with him?

If you ever accuse anyone first know about yourself then talk to others. You don't deserve to talk anything about me when you yourself are a sadist" he walked to his room after lashing out one me.

Why is he having grudge against my father? What had my father ever done to him? Again a sleepless night rolled by. The next morning I went to look another room if they are unlocked or not but it's all are locked so I have no other way. Getting my things which I washed yesterday I knocked his bedroom door. After a long wait, the almighty decided to open the door with birds' nest-like scruffy hair but still having that hard anger glare.

"What do you want?"

"I need to take bath"

"At morning 5?" he asked irritated and was about to close the door on my face, "stop it Arjun" I grabbed the door from closing, "don't act like a kid and let me in. I am not disturbing you as you did to me"

"Fine" he let the door open wide and crashed on his bed on his stomach hugging the pillow. That's when I look around his room properly kind size bed, a large grey couch along with a two single-seat couch, a walk-in closet to the left side of his bed, and an amazing porch attached with his balcony. Coming out of my thoughts I took bath and washed my clothes.

He is still sleeping disturbing my sleep so I took the jar of water and poured the little amount of water on his face as he jerked in chillness, "What the hell...?" he stopped once he saw me and came to me angrily combing his wet hair with his hand as I moved back in fear, "what the hell was that?" 

"Have you seen my eyes?" I asked pointing at mine, "this is because of you. I am spending the whole 3 sleepless nights because of you and you are sleeping peacefully. So I decided to be the way you described me. Sadist" I challenged him without breaking his eye contact.

Once his stare moved to my dress he dragged me again inside the washroom turning on the shower and made me stand under it clasping my hand with his iron grip, "I don't have clothes with me Arjun leave me" I pleaded him as my dress is half wet now along with him, "Don't act like you don't want to be close with me. You are the same snow who melts like snow in my arms" I gritted my teeth when he says 'snow' which he used as my nickname.

"I don't want to be in your arms where only revenge lives" he smiled evilly at me and put his arms around my waist pulling me more into the shower as we both are drenched fully now, "move" I ordered him to take no notice of my aggressive heartbeat and weak legs.

"You are melting again, Snow" letting my tears fall as they don't make difference with the water, "I missed the shower make-out session on our wedding night, can we continue it here?" this cringed me.

"And I will die the next second you touch me for your pleasure" call me a coward but my dignity is what most important to me more than my self-respect or my love. If these words are out of love I would have never denied him but this really made me weak.

"Am I just a toy for your needs Arjun?" I said pushing him gently off me and he let me, my eyes searched for something in his eyes but again none... No regret or pain...nothing. He left me there still wandering with my own thoughts.

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