8 -Crush

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Diya pov

"Verma's?" he asked shocked, "I know Dev Verma a big businessman but no idea what his son is doing, but I thought that boy had no family" his face is not showing any discomfort or shocked like his dirty secret is out just shocked that Arjun has a family.

"He has a family Paa and they are also soo good they care for me more than Arjun Paa," I said still looking for any expression from him apart from the shock but I saw nothing. Maybe Arjun is wrong about my father. My father won't ever do things that will harm anyone and I been seeing it for long.

He thought for a long minute and sat on the couch removing his tie, "I need to speak with his family Diya. I need to make sure my daughter is safe in good hand, only then I can be without worry"

Nodding my head I hugged him, "Thanks for understanding Paa. I am sure you will really like then once you see them. I will tell you after talking with Arjun and his parents" 

"Okay" his eyes scanned my face, "are you happy Diya?" hiding my expression I smiled broad, "very very happy Paa. Arjun is the best" he kissed my forehead, "Don't hesitate to ask me anything if you need Diya. I am always there for you" 

After chatting some time with my father I went to the mall to get a gown for today's party. After a long 15 minutes search, I found a pale pink color gown glistening in the light, I know it will be too much but I just want to irritate Arjun.

Getting inside the house which is wide open, I saw him watching television hearing my footsteps his eyes landed on me for a second but moved to television once again in an irritating way.

'Is my presence that irritating for you Arjun? Let me see how long you are going to be like this' I walked into his room and about to close the door when a hand stopped me, "what?" I asked seeing his smirk, "I need to use the restroom" this idiot has planned something.

Giving him some space I saw him going inside the restroom. I waited for 15 minutes but still, he is not coming out, "Arjun" 




"Arjun have you slept inside?" it's already 6 I have to go down within an hour.


"Are you going to come out or not?" I am getting mad with his play, "Arjun...." he is doing this wantedly.

"Aww, my wifey is irritated? Say you are not going to the party I will come out" I know his cheap acts, "I am not going to shake my head according to your wish"

"You have to wifey" he shouted from inside, "Don't call me wifey I hate it when you say it and I will not do what you say, try your best" I challenged him.

"I am doing my best" I took the water from the kitchen and shouted, "come out Arjun or I will drench your mattress and couch with water, it will be wet for a whole week"

"You are not doing that" he roared from in, "Try me" I poured the whole jug of water on it and took another jug and poured it in the remaining places of bed while pouring it I saw the keys near his laptop, maybe other room keys? I hide it quickly. Running to the kitchen I took more water and poured enough water on the bed and couch.

"Work is done," I said happily clapping my hands hearing a thud sound I saw him coming out the restroom angrily, taking the best chance I ran into the restroom taking my clothes and shut it, "You stupid" I heard a hard bang on the door, "sleep on the floor Mr. Arjun Verma" I heard glass shattering sound, "Control your anger Mr. Arjun otherwise you might even lose your laptop too," I said peeking out of the door but couldn't control myself from laughing when I saw his laptop is shattered on the ground as he is looking it with disappointment.

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