Oeps, he's dead...

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Lucy looked around to make sure that there weren't any cops around, she than took the gun out of her bag and put it in her pocket. She walks into the restaurant, takes the gun out of her pocket and pointed it at the man 'OMG what are you doing?' an elderly lady asked while pointing at the gun that Lucy kept in her hands 'What does it look like I'm doing?!' Lucy answered 'What is happening' the man sitting behind the suitman asked. 'STOP' a waiter yelled. But Lucy pulled the trigger. The bullet didn't end up in the heart as planned, but in his shoulder. She didn't want to make any of her own knifes dirty, so she slowly walked to the kitchen, took a sharp knife and threw it at the man. The knife went straight in his heart. 'Oeps, he's dead' she said laughing when she saw the looks on peoples faces. 'Hehehe.' She than went to the man, took the money out of his pocket and just left the restaurant.

Chloe & Lucifer :

After they had checked the restaurant for any clues, they returned to the police station.
'Alright miss Lopez, what exactly are we looking at' Lucifer asked when he and Chloe were looking at a dark brown coloured hair. 'It's a hair of the killer, so we can look if we find any dna that's in our database.' Ella said happy 'alright than Lucifer and I are going to interrogate the witnesses'

Ella had found DNA on the hair, but it wasn't in the database. She was obviously really disappointed.
Meanwhile Lucifer and Chloe are done with questioning three of the witnesses. They told the exact same things as the others did.

'Uhhh' Chloe sighted 'Hoe hard can it be,
she wasn't even wearing a mask, they could've just seen her whole face but they still don't know which eye colour she had. Or who she even is.'

'Detective did you look if there were any cameras?' Lucifer asked.

'No, I actually didn't, maybe Ella did.' Chloe answered him.

With that Lucifer, Chloe and Ella were going back to the crime scene, to look for cameras or more evidence.

Lucy :

'Okay so... now I already have money. What do I need to do next?' She said to herself while walking in circles on the beach. 'Right, I obviously know what I need to do. Maybe I need to finish what I started with and look for dad.' She again said to herself. Making people close to her looking weird and confused.  'Yes, that's a great idea' She answered herself.
'So, if I was dad, where would I be?' It was silent for a couple of seconds.  'Obviously ...at a bar...  it can't be that hard to find him, right?'

After 45 minutes :

'This is taking way longer than I expected. Maybe I should just ask a human if they know him or know where he lives.' She whispered to herself. She saw a young woman with blond hair and walked up to her.
'Excuse me, do you know where I can find Lucifer Morningstar?' Lucy asked polite.

'I know exactly where you can find that basterd. She said mad.  'But if I was you, I would stay the hell away from him.'

'Why?' Lucy asked.

'Why? ... why?' The woman started 'The only thing he thinks about is having s..' the woman said before getting cut off by Lucy.

'I already know what you're about to say. And I do not want, or even need to know the details.' Lucy quickly said.

'Ow okay then, well there are two places where he can be. His club 'Lux' or the police station of the LAPD.'

'Hold on... the police station...why would he be there?'  Lucy asked with raised eyebrows.

'Oh, it's nothing bad or something, he works there. Well, not really working, rather helping, if you can call it that.' She said.

'Alright, thank you' Lucy answered with a British accent. The lady just smiled at her and walked away.

'So father comes to bloody earth, buys a random club, what isn't really a big deal. 'BUT  HE IS WORKING FOR THE BLOODY DAMN POLICE?
What was... is he even thinking?' She thought to herself. It was only then that she realised that she lost her earring.
'Bloody hell, if dad indeed works for the police, there is a big chance that he needs to help solving the case of the man I just killed an hour ago, and is probably going to find that stupid earring of mine and realising that it's mine. I hope that he forgot what my earrings looked like, otherwise I'm definitely dead.' She said out loud to herself while getting once again strange looks.

'So father is probably at the police station right now for the murder case, so he is not at his club...but maybe, just maybe, if I'm lucky, Maze  is there. I'll have to find that stupid club. And fast.'


After walking around a few blocks, Lucy finally found it. 'Lux' she said out loud.
'Wait' she tough 'Can I even go inside with this outfit?' She looked at her short black dress and her red high heels. 'Yeah this will work.' She thought and walked inside the club.

With Lucifer, Ella and Chloe :

It was a short drive to the crime scene. When they arrived they directly went inside the restaurant.
'Alright, so does anyone see a camera?'  Chloe asked.
'No, I don't.' 'Me neither.' Ella and Lucifer said shortly after each other.
'Well, then we need to look for more evidence.' Ella said.

After a few minutes past Chloe had found something on the floor in the kitchen.

'I found something!' Chloe said.
'Yes, girl!' Ella said happy 'what is it?'
'It's a golden earring.'  Chloe said while looking at the earring in her gloves.
Lucifer is also looking at the earring. Chloe hands the earring over to Lucifer. He is, of course, not wearing gloves.
'I recognise this earring from somewhere.'  Lucifer said looking at the earring and trying to figure out where he recognises it from.
'Isn't it a lot of coincidence?'  Chloe asks Lucifer  'First, you recognise the description that the witnesses gave us from the murderer. And now you recognise the earring. That probably is from that girl too.' She added.
Lucifer didn't say anything, he was still looking at the earring. 'Maybe it was one of your exes who killed that man, Luc.' Ella said to him. Lucifer looked deadly at the last part of her sentence. '-ifer' Ella added.

'Do you might know who this person is, Lucifer?' Ella asked for the second time.
'I-I dont know, I do recognise it but I cant say where I've seen it.'
'Well,  Lets look a bit further around to see if there isn't anything else we missed the first time searching.'

After some time had paced they went back to the precinct without founding anything else.

( A : Thank you for reading!! I hope you liked this chapter Xx )

Words : 1183

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