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Raven's pov : (A little weird to write a pov for a bird, anyway...)

I hope that Lucy doesn't realise the reason that I'm on earth. Cause she would kill me. Believe me... she would.

The fact that I am snooping into her life would annoy her way to much. But she really need to stop killing humans. I would normally mind my own business, but this is going to far ... way to far.

I was now following a guy named Nick. Considering the fact that he was at Lucy's house, when she already was in hell.
Lucy is going to have to fix this, that guy found the box with pictures and letters that Lucy kept over the centuries.
So (if he doesn't have 1 brain cell) he probably knows that something isn't right, more specifically because their are dates on the pictures and letters. And the pictures look (and are) very old.

And the last thing that she needs to do is talk to that Nick guy. She really hurted him. Again, I normally do not mind, but this guy seems like a nice guy. I don't think that Lucy knew that it was his first time, otherwise she wouldn't have done that. But nick hadn't exactly said that it was. Hhaha. He even thought that it was her first time to.
Well ... most definitely not.

He also asked his friend, ... what was her name again.., Mell, what Lucy would do if she ended up pregnant. It would be funny, to see Lucy pregnant.

Anyways, I should get back to hell.

I went back to Lucy's apartment, took her phone and the picture and paper that Nick wrote and I flew back to hell.


'Lucy?' I called out in the hallway where her bedroom is.

I know what you're thinking now. *How can you talk, you're just a bird*. Well no, I am not just a bird, and YES I can talk.

She is probably still sleeping, it's 9am now in hell.

'Lucy.' I said again but now in an annoyed tone.

I knocked on the door (with my wing)  but still didn't get an answer. So I obviously tried to open the door.

It was ... open.

Lucy never lets her door open. Hmm. I flew in and saw Lucy sleeping like a rose...with Dromos laying next to her.

'If Lucifer would see this, he would practically kill him.'  I said out loud.

'Kill who?'  I suddenly heard from behind me.
I turned around and saw  Malphas (aka Ralph) and Lucifer walking toward me, so toward Lucy's room, so towards Lucy and Dromos who are laying in one bed, together. O God.

I quickly flew out of the room and closed the door behind me. When I turned back around  Malphas was already standing in front of me, and Lucifer was almost here.

'What?' Malphas whispered to me.

'Dromos.' I whispered back.

'Shit.' He whispered again.

'Come, come, Raven let me go inside.' Lucifer said, I was still flying in front of Lucy's door.

'Lucy just woke-up and is changing.' I said, the first thing that came in my mind.

He looked annoyed at me and sighed.

'Lucy.' He said while knocking on the door.

No answer, of course there was now answer. Bloody hell.

I looked at Malphas and tried to suggest that he needs to get in Lucy's mind to wake her.
He looked at me and understood what I ment.

'Lucy, I'm coming in.'  Lucifer said while taking the door handle.

'I'm still changing.' Lucy suddenly said from behind the door. Making Lucifer let go of the handle.

I looked back at Malphas and he winked at me. We both sighed in relief.

'Lucy, what's taking so long.' Lucifer started to get very annoyed. He took the door handle again. 'I'm coming in.' He then said.

I have a feeling that Lucy still isn't changed. She probably first woke Dromos and letted him out of the window.

Lucifer opened the door and looked inside.

'What?' Lucy asked annoyed.

I flew inside and she looked at me. I looked around quick. Her bed was made, Dromos was gone. And she had a towel around her and her hair was wet. She probably needed to think fast and quickly putted water over her head and took a towel. Smart.

'Raven.' She said happy. She putted her arm out and I flew toward her and set down on her arm.

'And what do you want?' She then asked Lucifer.

'You still aren't dressed?' Lucifer asked, not answering Lucy's question.

'No, I took a shower and was about to get dressed when you annoyed me and came in.'

'Right.' He said, it was then that he looked around in the room. He hasn't been in Lucy's room since she changed her room, shortly after the come back from The Silvercity. 'It's ... dark in here.' He said.

'Yeah. I didn't like the way my room was before I went to The Silvercity. Sorry, I mean was dragged to The Silvercity.'

Lucifer looked her in her eyes and sighed.

'Get dressed and then we are going to have a talk.' He said.

Lucy rolled her eyes at that.

Lucifer turned around and walked out. He was about to close it when Lucy said 'wait'. Lucifer looked confused back.

'Ralph you come in.' She said while pointing at him.

'No, Malphas is going to wait OUTSIDE.' Lucifer said.

'Why.' Lucy said sighing.

'Why? Because you are going to take your clothes on.' He said in disbelief.

'And?' She asked extremely annoyed. 'Ugh.' Lucy walked up to Malphas and dragged him inside. She then closed the door in Lucifer's face and locked it.

'You are unbelievable Lucy, unbelievably.' Lucifer said angry. You could hear him walk away in a loud and angry way.

Lucy turned to her bathroom door and walked inside. A few minutes later she came out with her normal clothes on.

'So, you two explain.' Lucy said.

Malphas looked at me and I looked at him.

I sighed before starting to talk.

'I went to earth to look at all the things you had done on earth and all of that.' I said

'Sweetheart, I know that that isn't the only thing that you have done. You can tell me.' She said in a sweet tone... a too sweet tone.

'Its a PART of what I did.' I said

'Yeah and what's the other part?'

I looked at Malphas for help. He shook his head but I insisted.

'Well, Raven went to earth to see what you've done up there. Considering the fact that you did killed humans and did it with a lot of humans and you really hurt one of them.' Malphas then said.

'Obviously I hurt the  humans. Like you said, I killed a few of them.' She said confused.

'Not that kind of hurting.' Malphas said.

Lucy looked now even more confused.

'You slept with someone who wanted to wait till marriage and then just left without him knowing. He then woke up and looked for you, but obviously you were no where to be found. He even went to your house and was practically willing to brake the door open because he thought that something had happend to you.' I said.

'I-I did what exactly?'

( A : Finally a new chapter... I hope you liked the chapter and thank you for 800 votes! Let me now your thoughts about the chapter in the comments. Xx )

Next chapter tomorrow or Wednesday...

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