Chapter - 10: You are my Rapunzel

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"Do you know how much beautiful you are looking today?" Sanskar whispered in Swara's ears. She was still wrapped in his embrace and moving slowly on romantic music forgetting the world around them. "I just want to hide you from everyone's gaze. This beauty is only for me to cherish." He felt her tightening her hold over his shoulder. She was looking down with flushed face, biting her inner cheek. She slowly raised her eyelashes to look into his dark brown orbs to get lost in them. She could see her reflection in them accompanied by his passion towards her.

Swara shivered with his hot breath, which was fanning over her ear, his palm was drawing circles on her waist, which was creating havoc in her stomach. His proximity, his husky voice with intense words were taking away all strength from her knees. Thanked to Sanskar, that he was holding her possessively very close to his heart else she would have collapsed long back.

Sanskar knew he needs to take slow steps; he did not want to scare or burden her with his feelings, but he could feel her ardent responses for his advances. He realised that their growing bond, their togetherness, his proximity, his touch, his words were affecting her. She was becoming more comfortable around him. He was content with the feeling that their relation was improving day by day, he would make sure to live all those moments which he missed during last 15 years. They both were enjoying this courtship period.

This courtship period was like a reality check for both of them, over the years they both lived and accepted their fate, under an assumption that they are not important or kind of non-existent or just an acquaintance or just a family friend for the one whom they loved madly from their childhood. Over last week they both realised that they hold very important position in other one's life, and this realisation acted as first step for their lifetime commitment and that was 'trusting each other.'

Their moment was broken by Uttara as other relatives and friends wanted to meet and congratulate them, so they both stepped down from the dance floor to greet their guests.

"Congratulations" Kavya beamed with happiness wrapping her arms around her best friends' shoulder. "I am so so so happy for you"

"Thanks, Kavya" Swara said with bright smile and continued "Where were you? I was waiting for you from so long."

"Liar" Kavya chimed, wiggling her eyebrows and continued "You were waiting for me? Hahahahah. I saw you dancing. You both were lost in your own world. It was so romantic."

"Shut up Kavya" Swara shushed her with wide eyes with blushed face, she looked at her other side at Sanskar who was busy talking to Laksh. 'I hope he would not have listened it.'

"Hey Kavya" Sanskar turned to interrupt their girly talks.

"Hi Jiju, Congratulations. You both make a perfect pair." Kavya wished shaking her hand with him.

"Thanks a lot" Sanskar replied with smile and passed quick glance at Swara's beetroot red face.

"Kavya this is Laksh, Sanskar's brother" Swara introduced them.

"Hey hello, I have another identity as well that I am YOUR best friend from childhood." Laksh said with open mouth and waving his hand in front of Swara's face.

"Ok ok. Kavya this is Laksh MY childhood best friend" Swara said with wide grin rolling her eyes.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Childhood best friend" Kavya greeted him with grin.

Sanskar was laughing shaking his head hearing their banter. Soon he introduced his other friends to Kavya. They all ganged up together to tease the newly engaged couple. By their each teasing session their bond was getting stronger and stronger but Swara's cheeks were fighting a competition with tomatoes, cherries and beetroot.

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