You Perv - 5

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(A/N) decided this would be a good song for the chapter, you'll see why not so later. ;) also have a warning about saying, ' no no words' oh no so scary

(Sakura POV)

I looked around class because I was bored and nobody's learning stuff anyways. My gaze landed on Neji, Gaara and Rock Lee. I realized they looked adorable together. Whatever. I looked around some more. Saw Ino with her beautiful hair and pretty blue eyes.... wait no. I'm not gay. I can't be gay. Mom will disown me. But Ino's just so... Ino. When did I not notice how adorable she was? I guess I owe the three an apology, especially Neji. I really shouldn't have said that mean stuff. Mom taught me to be rude to everyone. She was wrong.

(Neji POV)

At the end of class, Lee went to the bathroom and Gaara had to do something for Iruka, so I was alone for the time being. I saw Sakura approach me and I got scared. "Hey Neji?" She asked. "Y-yeah?" I replied nervously. "I wanted to say.... sorry.." she looked down. "Are you kidding?" I searched her expression for mischief. None. "No..." she almost whispered. "Why did all of a sudden you just decided to apologize though?" I asked. "Don't tell?" She asked. "Promise." I said and she let out a breath. "I- I think I like Ino.." she looked back up at me. My eyes widened. "Really?" I asked, amused. She nodded. Lee walked over. "Sakura why are you near my boyfriend." She looked at him. "I'm apologizing to you guys." 

"Still don't believe you like her." Said Gaara from behind Sakura. She jumped. "H-hey Gaara.." She said, scared. "Guys, let it go, I believe her." Gaara looked at me. So hot when he's skeptical though. I walked to lunch with Gaara and Lee. At the lunch table Naruto, Sasuke, Gaara's siblings and their 'boyfriends', were sitting at, we sat down. A minute later Sakura came over. Sasuke looked at her and said, "I have a boyfriend." She already had a comeback. "And I want a girlfriend." He didn't say anything. Sakura sat next to Hinata. My cousin didn't acknowledge her. "Aw come on guys, she apologized she won't do it again. Right Sakura?" She nodded.

After lunch we went back to class. Since I walked in right after Sakura, I saw her staring at Ino and was blushing. She didn't know that as soon as she looked away, Ino did the same thing. Ship it. I sit down right behind Ino. I decide to pull a prank on Ino. Since I'm also sitting next to Sakura, I lean in front of her, poke Ino, and sit back down all the way. Ino looked at Sakura. "Yeah?" Sakura's eyes widened. "Nothing!" She glared at me. I shrugged. Later I 'accidentally' pushed Ino into Sakura. Ion fell on top of her and they both turned pink. I got away before Sakura could see me, but I saw that Ino immediately got off and said that she had tripped. Then sent a thank you glance at me.

Since we are now friends, we exchanged numbers and I made a group chat with me, my boyfriends, and Sakura.

N: Sakura! Boyfriends!

S: dude,it's like 3am.

Oh yeah. I forgot I couldn't sleep and it's really early. Oh well, thinking about Lee and Gaara is more entertaining than a dumbass dream.

G: Neji why are you awake

N: because I couldn't sleep

L: why'd I wake up to a text and see this

N: i can't stop thinking bout u too

S: ship it so much

N: what i couldnt sleep I don't want a dumbass dream

G: whatever go to sleep or at least stop bothering me i'm fantasizing

N: about what~

G: I Can'T sLeEp Or i'Ll dIe I hAvE a ReAsOn tO bE uP

*Cutie Lee has left the chat*

N: suure Gaara anyways I'll just go bOtHeR Hinata

I get up. Tiptoeing to Hinata's room, I yell as I kick at the door, "FBI OPEN UP!!" And I think she fell off her bed. "Go bother your boyfriends or something...." I hear Hinata groan. "Good idea! Gaara and Lee are awake anyways..." I think aloud. "Bye Hinata!" I call, running outside. At Lee' house, I quietly sneak up to his window as not to alert Gai, and he's looking at the moon from it so I jumpscare him from under the window ledge. The look on his face was priceless! He looks at me confused and I motion for him to open the window. He does and I whisper, "Let's go bother Gaara." He rubs his hands together evilly. "I know just how to..." And he jumped out the fucking window!

I look down at him and he reassures it's ok to jump. "Why the FUCK did you jump out the window?" I asked incredulously. "How else would I get here this fast? Come on." I tentatively stop focusing chakra in my feet and hold on to the window ledge. I look at the ground below me. I totally forgot I'm scared of heights! I accidentally let go of the ledge and I made chakra  immediately center in my feet so I didn't fall. I wobbled. Lee climbed his way up somehow. "Are you okay?" He asked. My expression of terror told him, not me. "You can go through the house and meet me at the door." He suggested. So I nodded and pulled myself through the window. I walked quietly past everything yet I was still caught. "Why are you here this early?" Gai asked me sleepily. "Just passing through." I said casually. "Oh ok." He said, nodding.

I started walking and as I left I heard, "Wait wh-" Before I opened the door and walked out. Lee smiled and picked me up in a piggyback ride. And he ran. Super fast. To Gaara's house. When we got there, it was 3:30 but that's still a really short time because he lives in Sunagakure. The kunoichi at the gate looked at us. "What business do you have here this early?" I laughed. "Pfft, why else other than to bother our boyfriend?" She looked suspicious. "And who might that be?" I rolled my eyes. "Okay you caught us, we're here to kill the kazekage with cuddles." "He's supposed to be sleeping." She looked away. "If he sleeps he'll die because of the nightmares so we're here to make sure he's not trying to commit the sleep." She rolled her eyes but let us in. 

Lee ran to the sand siblings' house. I checked all the windows quietly. In one I see Kiba and Kankuro making out. That's why Kiba wasn't anywhere in the village yesterday. I thought and stuck out my tongue. I find the window with Gaara inside writing something and looking at it with a perverted grin. My nose sprung a leak and I snuck back over to Lee. He looked at me in confusion. "He's...fantasizing right now.." I said, emphasizing the 'fantasizing'. His eyes widened. He ran to Gaara's window and opened it. Gaea jumped as Lee shouted bright red, blush and anger mixing, "Pervert!" Gaara turned pink and scrunched up the paper. "N-no!" He looked anywhere but us. "Why're you guys here this late?" He asked nervously. "We came to bother you." I said. 

I climbed in the window, took the paper from Gaara without his permission and ripped it to pieces. "Do that again and we face the wrath of Lee." I tell the redhead. He nodded. I climbed into Gaara's bed which he never uses, Lee did the same and finally so did Gaara, me separating the two so Lee couldn't kill him in his sleep. Last time, Gaara said he didn't get nightmares when we slept like this so we all fell asleep. We didn't even notice that Kiba walked in and said, "Holy fucking shit what happened here?"

(A/N) hahA it was originally called 'Are You Kidding' but this title fits it much better. 1351 words

Love can come from anywhere (Gaara x Lee x Neji)Where stories live. Discover now