A/N and some fluff

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As I said in my other story, the one with the normal ship, I'm debating whether or not to discontinue these. They don't really have plots, and I need to improve my writing skills, so I don't see what's so good about either story. Please consider telling me if you want me to continue them or discontinue and come up with actual plots next time!

Time for some fluff now


(Nobody POV)

Rock Lee was training all day. He was tired out, and all he wanted to do was lay down. But he kept at it. Neji, meanwhile, was making ramen for him and Hinata. When the Hyuga boy was done, he called his cousin down from her room and they started eating. At almost the same time, Neji and Lee got a text. So did their other teammate Tenten. They all checked the 'Team group Chat!' That Gai started, and the same teacher was the one to say 'Mission time!!!!!z'

N: did you mean to have the z there

G: no! But being so excited about a mission you mistype some things is youthful!

L: yes it is! What is the mission, Gai Sensei???

T: stop yabbering and tell us!

G: we need to help protect the village more than usual! The Kazekage is coming to negotiate with our Hokage, so we need to heighten security! Doesn't that sound fun?

L: yes it does! Are we defending the village from outside the gate or inside the gate?

N: probably inside, why would they send us out there? The two Kage would be inside, would they not?

T: either way can make sense actually

G: actually, I'm excited to say we're good enough ninja that they decided we would be defending the Kage themselves, along with the ANBU!

L: that's so cool, Gai Sensei!

Neji looked up from his phone at the female sitting across from him. "Hinata, guess what?" Girl in question had her mouth stuffed with ramen, so she motioned for her cousin to keep talking. "Me and my team have a mission. It's to work side by side with the ANBU and protect the two Kage when Gaara comes to visit!" Lee was jumping up and down, yelling, "I get to see Gaara and complete the mission at the same time!" over and over again. Tenten was just impressed that they had that high-ranked of a mission.

(Gaara POV - when he gets to Konoha)

I looked around. It's just as I remembered it. It's beautiful. Oh, I wasn't talking about the village. I was thinking about Neji's hair. I guess Konoha's okay. It's really, damp compared to Suna. I didn't really listen when my big brother Kankuro said we should go straight to the Hokage tower. I'm not straight, of course there will be detours. I ran over to my boyfriends and hugged them both. "Neji! Lee! I missed you!" Neji gave me a closed eye smile, while Rock Lee started boasting about how much more he trained while I was doing paperwork. They're both amazing. Temari urged me to keep moving. "There could be outside ninja in disguise!" I shook off the idea. Might Gai and Tenten stood to the side rather awkwardly, so I looked at them and asked if they wanted hugs. "Oh, no, thank you." Tenten put up her hands. Gai shook his head. "Okay. Race you guys there!" I took off. Rock Lee beat me by a landslide, even though he stopped running by me long enough to give me a speed boost (aka a peck on the lips). But I'm still second place in the championship!

I'm gonna end is there because I'm too lazy to write and I have writers block. But, if I do get ideas, be prepared for '(edit)' in the title!

Love can come from anywhere (Gaara x Lee x Neji)Where stories live. Discover now