05: Nothing more than friends

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Andrew opened the door and gestured for Eli to enter like a freaking a gentleman. Eli stepped inside followed by Andrew, who closed the door behind. He led Eli to the kitchen first so that he could grab some snacks.

"What do you want to watch?" He asked as he opened a cabinet.

"We're doing homework first?" Andrew groaned but nodded nonetheless.

"Come on" Andrew said and led him towards the stairs.

"Wait, aren't we going in the living room?"

"No, we're going to my room." Andrew started climbing up and Eli followed.

Eli noticed the pictures that hung on the wall up the stairs. There were pictures of Andrew as baby, as a toddler, as a growing teenager, with his mother and his father. There was another photo of him with his mom, dad and someone else. The guy in the photo had his hand around Andrew's shoulder. He looked a lot like Andrew.

"Hey, come up here." Eli jerked his head to the voice and found Andrew standing at the top of the stairs.

Eli climbed up and followed to his room.

Andrew excused himself to get a shower and asked Eli to pick a movie while he waits. Eli searched Andrew's Netflix but nothing interested him. But then his eyes landed on a series. LOVE, VICTOR

"Found anything?" Andrew asked as he stepped in the room.

Eli didn't look up. He was reading the description and found that it was like a spin off sequel to LOVE, SIMON.

He loved that movie. Loved the book even more. So it was sure that he would love this series too. It was 10 episodes. They could watch up to five, after finishing their homework of course.

"Yeah." Eli said without looking up. Andrew's brows knit together as he wondered what interested Eli so much. He walked over to Eli and looked on the screen over his shoulder.

"Love, Victor" He read out loud.

"Yeah. It's kind of a spin off sequel to-" Eli turned and his breath hitched.

Andrew stood just behind him, his hair was still wet from his shower and shirtless.

Just as Eli has thought, Andrew's abs were perfect. Eli couldn't help but stare at him as he read the description.

"Okay, let's watch it." Andrew said and walked to his closet. he opened it and took out T-shirt. Eli started searching for books.

"We're doing homework first." He said.

"Okay, nerd." Andrew chuckled.

They both sat on his bed with their homework in front of them. Eli helped Andrew with most of his. When they finished, Eli started stuffing his books in his backpack.

"Hey, There's a picture on the wall of you with your mom-dad and another guy, who is it?" Eli couldn't help asking. He was curious.

"Oh, that." Andrew said. His voice had a hint of sadness in it.

"That's my older brother, Justin. He died last year." Andrew said.

"I'm so sorry." Eli whispered.

"No, you don't have to be. It's fine." Andrew gave him a sad smile.

"What happened?," Eli asked, "If you don't mind me asking."

"A car accident. He was returning from a party. All his friends were drunk. He was drunk too but not as much as him. So he took a very idiotic decision of driving. He and one of friends died. The other one who was in the back seat lost his leg." He said and his voice croaked.

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