06: Ex-boyfriend being a jerk

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Eli walked towards his bike the next day, because he had a feeling that Andrew won't be joining him. He would apologise for his outburst but Andrew needed to apologise too. They were both at fault.

When Eli reached his bike he noticed a paste-it note pasted on his seat.

I'm really sorry. I did NOT mean it. I'm waiting for you across the street. If you forgive me, wave at me. But I understand if you don't want to be friends with me anymore.


Eli didn't know if he should forgive him or not. Andrew was now Eli's only friend. And Eli didn't want to lose him. He was tired being alone. He needed Andrew to be his friend.

So he walked to the street and there was Andrew. Waiting across the street as he had said. He was fidgeting with a pen in his hand, which Eli assumed he used to write that note. He was looking down at his shoes.

So instead of waving at him, Eli shouted.

"Hathaway, get your sorry ass over here."

Andrew jerked his head up and Eli smiled at him. Andrew sighed heavily and combed his hairs with his hand, making it look much more attractive.

He jogged across the street and reached beside Eli. But as soon as he reached he enveloped Eli in a hug. He hugged him tight and mumbled, "I'm so, so sorry. I didn't mean it. I was just...," He stopped.

"An asshole?" Eli suggested and chuckled.

"Yes," Andrew said quietly, "Yes, I was an asshole. I'm sorry for being such a jerk." Eli patted his back.

"It's okay. I forgive you. And I'm sorry too." Andrew nodded, still not letting of Eli. Instead he hugged him tighter.

"Get off or I'll think you're making a move on me." Eli joked.

"Maybe I am." Andrew said and Eli's breath hitched. DID HE JUST SAY THAT OR I IMAGINED IT??

Andrew stepped back and smiled at Eli.

"Come on or else we'll be late to school." He said and started walking. Eli followed.

Maybe I imagined it. Fuck. He thought to himself and facepalmed.


At lunch Eli waited for Andrew, who was nowhere in sight.

He took his phone out and dialled Andrew's number. As he waited for him to pick up, someone came in front him. He looked up to find the person who hated the most standing in front him.

Tyler snatched his phone away from him and smirked.

"Oh, found someone real fast, didn't you?" Eli glared at him and tried take his phone his phone back but couldn't. Tyler is tall and Eli couldn't reach it when he held it up above his head.

"Oh look. He picked up." He said and placed it on his ear. He held Eli away with his other hand.

"Hello." He said and Eli could not hear what Andrew was saying.

"Oh, I'm his ex-boyfriend. And let me tell you dude. This piece of shit is no good. Why do you think I left him? You won't get anything from him. He's pathetic. And you being with him makes you a pathetic idiot too." Tyler said into the phone and Eli boiled with anger. He bit Tyler's hand and Tyler screamed. As Tyler held his hand with his other, Eli's phone fell on the floor. Eli kicked Tyler in his balls. Eli was fuming. He picked his phone up and turned to leave. Everyone was staring at him as he stormed out of the cafeteria. Just as he stepped out of the door, he saw Andrew running towards him.

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