07: That night...

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Spence's house was packed with people when we reached there. Tyler made way for us and led me to the kitchen. Tyler's friends, Mike and Derek were already there having their drinks. Tyler greeted them and Derek whispered something in Tyler's ear and Tyler smirked. Tyler mumbled a thank you to him and came to me.

"I'm gonna get something to drink. You go find Tony, I'll find you after some time." He said and kissed me on the cheek. I glanced at Derek and he was staring right at me, with a smirk on his face. I wondered what the heck is wrong with that guy.

I took off and searched for Tony. I found him making out with Cecilia on the patio.

"Get a room guys." I joked and Tony broke from his passionate kiss.

Cecelia walked away winking at Tony and he smirked. Tony hugged me when she left.

"I didn't expect you. You told me you didn't wanna go." He said.

"Oh, yeah. I didn't. Ty dragged me." I chuckled.

We went out in the backyard and chatted for a while when Tyler came to us.

"Hey," He kissed my cheek again and sat down. Boy, was he in a good mood or what?

He handed a cup and said, "For you."

"But I don't drink. You know that." I said.

"Yeah, I know. It ain't alcohol. It's something...uh, Spence invented."

Spence loved inventing with food. He made everyone eat whatever he used to make.

"Is it good? Did you have it?" I asked and he nodded. So, I took a cautious sip. It was...okay. Weird but fine.

Tyler then grabbed my hand and dragged me to the dance floor.

We danced for about ten minutes and I started feeling drowsy. My vision was getting blurry. So I placed my hands on his shoulder and stood on my tiptoes.

"I don't feel good." I whispered in his ear. He led me off the dance floor and towards the stairs. We saw Derek standing over there. He handed Tyler something and Tyler thanked him. He was behaving quite weird today.

Derek smirked at me as I passed by him.

Tyler led me to a bedroom, which was at the end of the hallway.

As soon as he closed the door, Tyler whipped us around and kissed me. I was not into it at that moment so I pulled back. But he grabbed my neck and pulled me in again. I pushed him away.

"Tyler, please. I'm not feeling well. I want to rest." I said and walked towards the bed. I laid down and closed my eyes.

I thought he'd leave but he didn't. Instead he jumped on top of me and when I tried to push him he pinned my hands with his one hand. His other hand was unbuckling my belt. I squirmed under him and yelled at him to let me go. But none of it affected him. He removed my jeans off my legs in one swift movement and was about to take off my boxers. But somehow I managed to free my right hand. I used it to slap him. I slapped him hard. My slap shocked him and made it easy for me to push him. When I did, I stood up immediately and grabbed my jeans. I was about to wear them when Tyler grabbed my wrist and pulled me into him. He twisted my wrist behind my back and attacked my neck. I tried hitting him with my free hand. My wrist hurt.

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