Chapter 7

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Julia's POV

Over the next week, Reed had stayed away from me as much as he could.

He left for work before I woke up and when he returned, he went straight to his study. He didn't even eat with me anymore, it was strange.

I knew that it was because of that kiss. Ever since that night, he practically acted as if I didn't exist.

He was completely cold and silent, and if he did speak to me it was usually because he was insulting or threatening me.

I thought that this was what I wanted. For him to leave me alone and keep his distance, but it wasn't.

Strangely enough, even though I disliked him, I missed his snarky comments and stupid comebacks, but I couldn't stop thinking about that kiss.

I also missed the empty threats he'd make, I now realise that I'm completely safe as long as I don't try and escape.

Honestly, I don't even think I want to escape anymore.

This life isn't perfect, but whose is? If I left, he'd find me straight away anyway and I'd miss my new friends.

Ivy and I had become really close and she was already a better friend to me than Danielle ever was. I also loved Jocelyn. It turns out that she's practically Reed's mother, raising him since he was a teenager.

She told me to give him time, she said he'd come around eventually but I wasn't so sure.

I suppose it's for the best though, if he's getting married I can't risk catching feelings for him.

I already hated myself for finding him so attractive and I refused to fall for a mafia leader. His actions go against everything I stand for, so I guess it's a good thing to keep my distance.

Besides, I didn't want to get involved in the dangerous world of the mafia, more than I already had.

"Are you ready to go, Ms Julia?" Jonathon called out from the hallway.

Jonathon is the driver that Reed has assigned to drive me to and from work.

He acted as my security guard and was such a sweet man, I really enjoy our daily conversations.


When we arrived at work, I went about my daily business. I'd gotten a new routine working at the bar with Kayla and over the last week it had been a great distraction.

I'd even spoken to most of the gang again. It turns out that Kayla's bar is a pretty popular hangout for the Vipers.

Blade had also started to warm up to me. I'd found out that he was Reed's best friend, that's why he was second in command.

He says it's because he's the best fighter but I know just by looking at them that Cyrus could kick his ass.

Most of the guys were really friendly towards me and made me feel really welcome. It felt nice to be accepted.

At around 1pm, Kayla was closing the bar due to a personal matter. It was fine with me, it meant that I'd get the night off.

"Julia I've got to run, will you be okay closing up?" Kayla said to me as she was basically already out of the door.

"Yeah I've got it, don't worry." I said, waving her off.

It felt strange in an empty bar. It wasn't bad, I was a fast learner and would be locked up in the next 5 minutes, but I wanted to take a minute to appreciate the place I'd be working in for god knows how long.

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