Chapter 43

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About a week after the dinner party, it was time for my second training session.

This time, we were working on the skills that needed improving which for me, meant fighting.

I'd been getting up every morning at the same time as Reed so that we could work in the gym together too.

If I wanted to be a good fighter, I needed to be physically fit.

When we got to the base, everybody went through the usual protocol and I eventually ended up sparring with Reed in the fighting ring again.

I could see that this was going to be a usual routine and all of the recruits had quickly caught on to our relationship, after I threw the knife across the room at that girl in the first session.

"Okay, so swing with the left and kick hard with the right...go again." Reed chanted, showing me what to do as I repeated his moves.

I was quickly becoming a better fighter and had even won a couple of amateur fights against some of the other recruits.

I was excited for the day that I would eventually be allowed on a mission.

The first one I went on didn't count, seeing as Reed ruined it for me.

"Yeah, that was good, well done. Now do it again." he said as I repeated the moves once more.

"Reed." Cyrus yelled, making us both turn our heads as he walked towards us alongside Blade.

"What is it guys? Shouldn't you be training the recruits?" he asked.

"Yeah but Ethan's just informed us about the Falcons. They're getting closer and we're going to have to act soon." Blade said seriously.

"Who are the Falcons?" I asked.

For some reason, a lot of the gangs used names of animals. I suppose it was meant to sound more threatening but I didn't really get it. I thought they just sounded like sports teams.

"They're a fairly new gang that have been set up over the last few years. They've just arrived somewhere close to us and we think they're going to try something." Cyrus explained.

"We think they'll possibly try to invade some of our property or land, but we need to find out where they're located and who's leading them." Reed told me.

"This is the problem with new gangs. We have no idea who they are, how they fight or their strengths or weaknesses." Blade said.

"But we're going to have to act fast." Cyrus said.

"Okay Cyrus, call Ethan and get him to find a location. Once we have that then set up a mission to see what we're dealing with." Reed said.

"Yes boss." they said before walking away from us.

"Can I come?" I asked Reed hopefully, already knowing the answer.

"No. Like I said, we don't know what we're dealing with and you could get in danger" he said.

"I know but I really want to go on a mission Reed!"

"Fine, if you're ready and the Falcons aren't too much of a threat then you can come with us on the next one, okay?"

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I exclaimed excitedly, jumping up to hug him.

I knew I'd be ready. My aim is practically perfect and with some extra practice, my fighting could be too.

Reed knew that as well as I did. He just didn't want to admit that I'd be a good asset to the team. He's too protective.

"Okay, I have to go and make a few calls, will you be okay here by yourself?" he asked.

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