Chapter 35

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"T-that's not possible." I directed at Blade.

"I didn't believe it at first either...but he did this."

"No, Kyle is dead!" I shouted, standing up onto my feet.

"I know, but this was the CCTV footage. We must've got it wrong, he's-"

"No Blade, that isn't him, that can't be him."

We were now standing up facing one another. I know he was trying to help, but I couldn't control my emotions.

Not only was Julia missing, but now our main suspect was my dead brother? That couldn't be true.

"Look Reed, I know this is a lot to take in but we have to focus on finding Julia right now."

"You're right. Somebody find me an address, I need some time alone." I said, storming out to my car.

I got in the Jeep and sat with my head in my hands letting out an infuriated scream.

I didn't know what to do or where to go. Was my brother really alive?

And if he was, then why did he want Julia? What was going on?

All of a sudden my phone began to ring. I looked down to see no caller ID, this couldn't be good.

I took a deep breath in, before answering the call.

"Hello? Who is this?" I boomed.

I then heard a slow evil laugh coming out of the speaker along with an all too familiar voice.

"Well hello there dear brother. It's been a long time."

"I don't know who the hell you think you are, but my brother is dead."

"We both know that's not true Reed, because I am right here speaking to you, and I'm currently looking down at an unconscious young girl that I believe belongs to you."

"What the hell have you done to her? Whatever problem you have with me, you need to take it out with me. Leave her out of this, she's innocent!" I snarled.

"Oh Reed, don't you see? Father always told us never to have attachments. Mother was always his biggest weakness and he didn't want that for us, but you didn't follow that rule and now it's come back to bite you." he said devilishly.

He was right. Everything he said about my parents was true. Maybe it was my brother on the other side of the phone, but I still couldn't believe it.

As I watched the CCTV footage earlier, my same pair of brown eyes stared straight back at me. My older brother looked just like me and I could see a lot of myself in him.

Watching someone who had previously been one of the most important people in my life, steal the current best person in my life was heart wrenching. I couldn't cope with this situation.

"If you are who you say you are, why would you be doing this? When Michael broke into our home, we were all such a close, happy family. What changed?" I asked.

"What changed? What changed was the fact that my baby brother and sister left me for dead. You never came back for me and you left me to die, just so you could take over the family business and have all the power to yourself. I had to make it on my own all these years and now it's your turn to be alone."

"We never left you for dead, we searched for you until we were told that you were gone. It killed Dawn and I, we don't deserve this, we tried everything to find you."

"Well you obviously didn't try hard enough. If you want your precious girl back, then you have to meet me alone at the address I'm about to send you. If you bring anybody or try any funny business, then she dies immediately. Do you understand baby brother?"

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