25. Saturday Week Nine (pt1.)

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25. Saturday Week Nine (pt1.)

The week had gone by really smoothly. In fact, it had gone by bloody perfectly. I had no idea what was happening between me and Eli but I was loving every second of it.

There was still a pit in my stomach though because I had realised how happy I was whilst I was lying to all my friends. The girls had no idea about any of the recent happenings between me and Eli because every time I went to tell them I realised that in telling them, there was a chance that I might let Eli's secret slip. So I kept my lips sealed.

But the guilt I felt in relation to keeping the girls in the dark was nothing when compared to the guilt I felt for lying to Noah. I was desperate to tell him everything that was going on but then I knew that he would never be okay with me and Eli especially if he knew about the fighting.

All these thoughts were racing through my head as I sparred with Eli in the gym. My Nan had asked me to spend the day with her tomorrow so Eli had agreed to move our Sunday training session to today but I kept finding my mind drifting off to a million other places.

Searing pain shot through my face as Eli's fist made contact with my cheek, "what the hell, Eli?!" I exclaimed, cupping my hands to my face.

Eli just stood there, arms crossed, glaring at me, "I've told you a million times, you don't fight if your head isn't in it."

"My head is in it," I growled at him.

"So why was I able to punch you in the face?"

"Cause you're an asshole," I growled back, hand still to my cheek. I knew he hadn't hit me nearly as hard as he could've but it still hurt like a bitch.

Eli removed his gloves and came over to me. He tried to move my hand from my cheek but I was being a stubborn bitch. He growled, "move your hands, Rei."

I did as I was told and Eli tilted my head to get a better look at my cheek, "you'll be fine. I doubt it will even bruise."

I scowled at him and pushed him away, it still hurt though.

Eli's eyes narrowed at me, "what's your problem now?"

"My problem? You're my goddamn problem! You just punched me in the face!"

"You weren't paying attention, Rei! If your guard had been up, you easily would've been able to block it."

I knew he was right, I didn't even know why I was arguing with him. All I knew was that I was angry, really angry, and I was taking all the anger out on him, "fuck you, Eli!"

Eli growled at me, "I'm not training you when you're like this."

With that, he dropped his gloves onto the floor and stormed off to the changing rooms, shit.

Exhausted, I collapsed onto the floor. I removed my gloves and put my head in my hands. I released a sigh when I realised that I was in the wrong before I got up and turned in search of Eli but instead of being faced with the moody boxer boy, I found myself staring into the pale blue eyes of my best friend.


Fuck. I stood frozen, not knowing what to say. There was no way to lie myself out of this.

Noah stepped further into the gym and made his way towards me. I snapped out of my trance and jumped down from the boxing ring to meet him halfway across the gym.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Me? I train here, Rei-Rei, remember?" Oh shit, my heart clenched at the use of my childhood nickname, "what are you doing here?"

The Fighter and His Tiger (Unexpected Love #1)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt