35. Sunday Week Thirteen

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35. Sunday Week Thirteen

Cayd had told me on Friday night that Eli had started training on Sundays again so I knew there was no danger of running into him at Staircase.

At least, that is what I kept telling myself as I knocked on the side door for the club. A burly man opened the door and looked me up and down, "who are you?"

"I need to see Mikael."

He crossed his arms across his chest and glared down at me, "that doesn't answer my question."


I looked over the man's shoulders to see Vincent striding towards us, perfect.

"Move, Toby," he steeled Toby with a cold glare, "always let her in."

Toby gave a short nod and moved aside, letting me enter; although with Vincent's presence confirmed, I wasn't sure I wanted to.

"What are you doing here?"

"I need to see Mikael."

Vincent gave a sick smile, "why? I'm much more fun to hang out with."

"Where is he, Vincent?" I sighed, in no mood to deal with him.

He frowned, "it was stupid of you to come here alone, Reillyn."

"Why? Do you assume that I couldn't hurt you if I wanted to?"

He smirked, "I'd like to see you try."

I cocked my head to the side and then shrugged, "okay."

My leg raised and I kicked him square in the balls, taking great pleasure in his moans of pain. I rolled my eyes, what a bitch.

Having fuck all clue where Mikael was and not wanting to spend even a second longer around Vincent, I stormed past him.

Stood in the centre of the empty club, I span in a circle trying to find an office, which Cayd had told me was where Mikael spent all of his time — he was surprisingly easy to get information out of when he was drunk. There was a grey door with a thin window in the centre which looked positively dodgy so I made my way over and wrenched it open to find a staircase.

There was a hallway at the top of the stairs littered with doors and it was a complete pick and mix as to which one housed Mikael. I stepped further into the hallway and tugged my jacket closer around me as the wooden floorboard creaked beneath my feet. The doors and walls were all a smooth black with the doorknobs and doorframes painted a vibrant gold.

Except for one door which had a glistening silver doorknob and a silver doorframe which screamed Mikael; conceited asshole.

Not bothering to knock, I pushed the door open and was faced with Mikael sat at his desk scribbling notes on a piece of paper — huh, the shithead wasn't illiterate.

His eyebrows rose in shock, "Miss Cole? This is a surprise."

I shrugged nonchalantly before running my fingers across his bookcase curiously, "is it?"

"No, I guess it isn't. Why are you here?"

I took a seat on the other side of his desk, "what did you say to Ryker?"

"It's 'Ryker' now is it?"

My eyes narrowed, "we broke up but I'm assuming you knew that."

Mikael leant back in his chair and lit a cigar, taking a puff before answering me, "I suspected but I fail to see why this has you barging into my office as if I won't blow your head off for interrupting me."

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