29. Saturday Week Ten

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29. Saturday Week Ten

"You're hardly ever home anymore, Rei," my Nan spoke from the doorframe of my bedroom.

I stretched my hands over my head in bed and accepted the cup of tea she offered me, "I know, I'm sorry Nan. I've just been so busy."

She sent me a smile over the rim of her mug, "hmm, with a boyfriend like that Ryker, I don't doubt that you have been."

"And there goes any chance of me eating breakfast today," I murmured, placing my tea mug on the floor by my bed

Nan rolled her eyes at me, "he's here by the way, in the kitchen."

Her words made me jolt upright in bed, "what?! Why would you not lead with that?"

She gave me a cheeky smirk, "because the longer you're in here, the more alone time I get with Ryker."

I fake-gagged, "get out, just get out."

Her laughter carried through the house as I got out of bed and ran my fingers through my hair. Looking in the mirror I discovered that my hair was a birds nest and I had dark circles under my eyes due to a night full of nightmares. Too tired to care and wary of my Nan, I just threw my hair into a messy bun and prayed that Eli didn't give a shit that I was wearing my pyjamas.

Judging by the look on his face when I stepped out, he didn't mind one bit, his eyes scanning me up and down. They travelled up my legs which were sheathed in grey straight leg joggers and then stopped on my navy Hilfiger sports bra.

But then his brows furrowed and he stormed over to where I was stood in the hallway. He grabbed my arm and dragged me back into my room where he picked up his black sweatshirt, which was hung on the back of my chair, and tugged it over my head, positively messing up my hair even further.

I raised a brow at him before looking down at myself, my arms where stuck in the jumper because Eli the Neanderthal had literally just pulled his jumper over my head, disregarding my arms completely.

"Nice job there, caveman, now I'm all ready to go out," he didn't look impressed by my sarcasm.

Eli gave me a dry look before growling, "Cayden is out there."

His words registered, and for about 0.5 seconds I was able to stop myself but then the laughter just came bubbling out of me and soon I was clutching my stomach, bent over with amusement.

"Cayden? You dragged me in here to put a jumper on me because of —" the laughter started rising again, "because of Cayden!" I chuckled again but Eli was not pleased, his arms were crossed and he had a fierce look on his face.

Slowly, his arms unfolded and he leant down, his arms moving to rest on the door behind me, either side of my head.

"I'm sorry, tigru," I exhaled a shaky breath as all traces of laughter vanished, my lips remained parted and his eyes briefly flickered to them, "I didn't realise that you wanted Cayden to see your goddamn nipples," his voice dropped and so did his eyes which stared down at my chest with desire then flicked up to my face to scorch me with anger, the combination made my stomach flip. "But by all means," he whispered, "fucking show him."

Safe to say; I attacked him, jumping up to wrap my legs around his waist, I crushed my lips to his. He groaned deeply and pushed my back against the door for support, pressing his lips firmly to mine. For an unknown reason, I was completely overrun with desire. It flooded me, drowning me as I let myself get caught up in the storm that was Elias Ryker.

I moaned into his mouth and gently bit his bottom lip, earning a groan from him as my hands tugged through his silky strands. The softness of his lips against mine made all my worries seem insignificant and the ferociousness of his desire made me desperate for more.

The Fighter and His Tiger (Unexpected Love #1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz