48. Saturday Week Twenty

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48. Saturday Week Twenty

We didn't go back to the apartment after the club fiasco because there was no more reason for us to hide out there anymore. In fact, all of us, including my Nan, Ty and Noah, were all at the Ryker mansion recovering.

The only person missing was Dante who was rushed to a privately owned hospital.

A hospital that I was now stood in, arguing with the receptionist.

"I told you, ma'am, there is no one here by that name."

Taking a page out of Eli's book, I slammed my hand down on the counter between us, "I know that you are lying," my eyes flickered to her name badge and I hissed, "Catherine."

"I'm sorry, young lady, but I can't admit you any further than this reception room."

"Who the hell are you calling young lady? Are you bloody patronising me?" I practically growled at her.

She pushed her glasses up her nose obnoxiously, this bitch, before pinning me with a hard look, "I'm sorry, but I can't admit you any further than this reception room."

"Are you a fucking robot?"

"It's fine, Catherine," a deep voice with a heavy Italian accent boomed, "I'll take her with me."

My head swivelled towards the monotonous voice and I was greeted with the blank face of Cristiano. I looked back at Catherine and sent her a smug smirk before walking over to the tall suited man.

"Thank you for that, I just want to see Dante, to check that he's okay."

"He's fine," he rumbled in that same unwavering voice, so bland of all emotion, "I need to discuss Mikael with you, I was hoping your boyfriend would come with you but I am sure you are capable of relaying a message, si?"

My eyes narrowed slightly at his words and I spoke through gritted teeth, my previous gratitude was gone, "yes, I am capable."

His eyebrow rose slightly at my angered tone but he chose to ignore it, "Mikael has been dealt with, he will no longer be a problem to you or anyone you know."

"D-dealt with?" I stammered, "as in, you killed him?"

A scarred eyebrow rose again and his phone buzzed in his pocket, he pulled it out and glanced briefly at the screen, "si, why would we let him live?"

"I-I-I don't know."

His eyes flickered to me, "hm," he murmured with something akin to interest in his eyes, "my brother would like you to join him now, he's in room 313, the third floor."

Slowly, I nodded, still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I had played a part in someone's death. Cristiano began to walk away but I reached out and grabbed his arm before he could.

His piercing obsidian eyes landed on my hand and he glared at it ferociously, I abruptly pulled it away, "what happened to Marcus and Vincent?"

"Vincent is dead and Marcus fled like the pussy he is," Cristiano informed me, surprising me with an actual response.

"Okay," I nodded, he started to walk away again, "um Cristiano?" I called after him.

"What?!" He growled, turning back to face me.

"Thank you."

His scowl didn't disappear but it did shrink slightly in size as he nodded at me once before turning and storming out before I had a chance to stop him again.

My brain stewing over the few facts I had learnt from Cristiano was interrupted by my phone buzzing in the back pocket of my black jeans.

Eli's name flashed on the screen and I picked it up, "hey."

The Fighter and His Tiger (Unexpected Love #1)Where stories live. Discover now