31. Sunday Week Ten (pt1.)

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31. Sunday Week Ten (pt1.)



Why the fuck did I sleep with her?

I sat up straight in bed, leaning against the headboard and running a hand down my face.

Sleeping with her was wrong, I shouldn't have done it, but not a single part of me regretted it — even though I should've.

She deserved better.

But how could I when it was so fucking good? Everything with her was good. Hell, I even enjoyed arguing with her. Her face got all scrunched up and she always flew her hands about in frustration, plus I loved her fucking temper.

But, I knew I needed to keep her at a distance, even if she did know everything, she needed to stay away from me but she kept clawing her way back in.

With those relentless questions of hers. And that stupid cheeky smile she had. Her soft as shit hair. And she always smelt really fucking good.

Shit, I was turning soft.

She was turning me soft.

The smell of bacon wafted through the apartment and I groaned, she was a good cook as well.

Shifting my legs so they hung down the side of the bed, I tugged on some black sweats, ran a hand through my hair and made my way to the kitchen.

Fuck me.

There she stood.

Her hair was in that messy knot on her head and she was wearing one of my black shirts as she danced around my kitchen, in my clothes as if she owned the place.

And hell, I wanted to see that every goddamn morning.

She reached for a mug from the top shelf and — fuck me, she wasn't wearing any underwear. Watching her twirl about the kitchen to the soft hum of the radio, all I wanted to do was repeat last night, right here in my kitchen. Again and again and again.

But then she turned around and spotted me leaning against the fridge behind her. She didn't jump out of fright so I knew she was waiting for me. She didn't give me a dirty smirk or a sly wink. She didn't gush about how amazing the night was or how she wanted to do it again.

All she did was smile, a soft one which was shy and only served to make me want her more.

"Hi," she whispered, biting her lip like she did when she was unsure of herself — fucking stunning.

"What are you doing?" My voice was husky from just waking up but I couldn't find a fuck to give.

She waved the pan in her hand and licked her lips, "I made breakfast," she scrunched her nose, "actually, it's just bacon."

"Hmm, just bacon?"

She shrugged and my shirt fell down her shoulder, exposing more of her lusciously soft skin, "what more do you need?"

"Nothing, tigru."

Her grin was huge and for some reason my heart skipped at the sight. It was annoying how easily and deeply I had come to care for this girl because I had done such a good job of distancing everyone else.

Fuck, I would go out of my mind if something happened to her. Especially if it was because of me. So I made a decision.

"You can't stay, Rei."

"Okay," she licked her fingers after putting the bacon on a plate before spinning to face me, plate in hand, "when do you wanna leave?"

My hand reached out to snatch the plate from her and I placed it on the countertop and she frowned at the action. I ignored the feeling that told me to fuck the world, sit her down, and feed her the bacon until that pretty smile of hers came back.

"Soon, you need to get dressed," I motioned to the bedroom with my head, "now," I demanded.

Her face fell and my heart clenched, hating that I had been the cause of that. But then that temper of hers made its appearance.

"What is your problem, Eli?"

I leant down, ignoring how good she smelt, pushing away the desire to pull her into my arms, "I don't have one, Rei. Now, go. get. dressed."

My voice left no room for argument and she stormed past me with a huff, my eyes tracking her gorgeous ass until it disappeared behind my closed bedroom door.

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Okay, so a short one and I know some of you will be disappointed by the lack of a cute morning after but given everything else going on in their lives, it didn't feel right

Hopefully that will make more sense in pt2 which is next!

Thank you for reading, lovely people!

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