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Noelani mentally facepalmed as she smiled awkwardly at the person who had just spoken up from behind them and may or may not have scared her slightly. It was a woman, she wore an elegant black dress with diamond jewelry, and she looked like a retired fashion model - maybe fifty years old, though it was hard for Noelani to tell. Her long blonde hair swept over one shoulder, and her face was gorgeous in that surreal super-model way - thin and haughty and cold, not quite human. With their long painted nails, her fingers looked more like talons.

She smiled. ''I'm so happy to see new customers. How may I help you?''

All three of them looked to Jason, all yours.

''Um,'' Jason started. ''Is this your store?''

The woman nodded. ''I found it abandoned, you know. I understand so many stores these days. I decided it would make the perfect place. I love collecting tasteful objects, helping people, and offering quality goods at a reasonable price. So this seemed a good... how do you say... first acquisition in this country.''

She spoke with a pleasing accent, but Noelani couldn't guess where it was from. Clearly she wasn't hostile, though. Noelani lowered her sword, though she kept her footing and posture the same, if anything her grip on her weapon tightened.

''So, you're new to America?'' He asked and Noelani frowned. She couldn't be that new, the store looked anything but abandoned. Nobody could do this in such a short amount of time. Unless they had help.

''I am... new,'' the woman agreed and Noelani's jaw tightened. She was lying. ''I am Princess of Colchis. My friends call me Your Highness. Now what are you looking for?''

Noelani kept her eyes narrowed on the woman. What type of Princess owns an American department store that sells poisons, living fur coats, storm spirits, or satyrs. And even in the Princess thing was just a game of pretending to be of a higher position than you are, who in the Gods makes their friends refer to them as 'your highness'?

Jason, unfortunately, seemed to believe it as he nodded along, humming slightly and his sword now hung limply by his side. Piper poked him in the ribs. ''Jason...''

''Um, right. Actually, your Highness,'' he pointed to the glided cage on the first floor. ''That's our friend down there, Gleeson Hedge. The satyr. Could we... have him back please?''

Noelani couldn't remember ever meeting a satyr that looked so violent before, but if Jason said he was a friend then she was more than willing to stick around to save him. Even if that meant putting up with the Princess and her sickly sweet voice that Noelani was having a hard time blocking out.

"We shall see. Now, what are your names?"

Jason hesitated and Noelani smiled slightly in relief. But then, to her horror, he nodded and Noelani practically leapt in front of him, replicating the Princess's smile.

''I'm Malia,'' she said, it being the first name to pop into her head. ''And this is-''

''Piper,'' Jason said, pointing her out. ''This is Leo. I'm Jason.''

Noelani felt like hitting herself on the head. Multiple times.

The Princess fixed her eyes on Jason and, just for a moment, her face literally glowed, blazing with so much anger, Noelani could see her skull beneath her skin. Then, the moment passed and the Princess looked like a normal, elegant woman again, with a cordial smile and a soothing voice.

''Jason. Malia. What interesting names,'' she said, her eyes as cold as the Chicago wind and Noelani's eyes widened. Had she screwed up picking that name? What was so bad about it? ''I think we'll have to make a special deal for you. Come, children. Let's go shopping.''

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