• T H R I T Y O N E •

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Kiana Wright|Keke
Houston, Texas📍| Nov 21st

"On the count of three give me the best push that you can" Dr.Johnson said to me for the third time.

"1...2...3" she said. On three I gave the biggest push that I could before I heard the baby crying.

"Alright. It's the boy" she said as some of the nurses took his vitals and took him to get cleaned up.

"Push on three" Dr.Johnson said.

"1...2...3" as I was told I pushed on three. This time the baby came out instantly but I didnt hear a cry or anything.

"Its the girl. She's not breathing" Dr.Johnson said rushing out of the room with my daughter.

"Aye fuck is she going. What's wrong with my child" I asked one nurse.

"Ma'am please calm down. We have everything under control" he informed me before leaving the room.

"How the fuck he expect me to calm down when she said my baby ain't breathing" I mumbled.

"Princess get some rest" Jaja said. He had made it back to the hospital just in time for me to give birth. My baby look good and them scrubs and all that PPE.

I turned over and went to sleep almost instantly.

*Skip nap*

When I woke up, Jaja was outside the door talking to Dr.Johnson

After about 5 more minutes, he finally came in the room. "Hey Princess" he said bending down to kiss my cheek.

"Hey. What was that all about" I asked.

"Well they lost her a couple times but they were able to get her breathing on her own. They wanna keep her here for a few days for observation. But you and the boy is free to go tomorrow" he explained.

"Alright. Can you bring the doctor in here so I can tell her the babies names" I asked cause I knew Jaja was gone forget to name my children.

"Bet" he said walking out the door.

As I waited on Jaja, I sat there thinking about how I could've lost my baby girl.

Life is not turning out how I expected it too. I'm only 21 and I'm already a mother of 3. Life dont always go as planned but I love all three of my babies.

"Keke. What would you like to name your babies" I heard Dr.Johnson say.

"K-a-y-l-a-n-i A-m-o-r-a H-a-l-l for the girl and K-a-r-e-e-m A-d-o-n-i-s H-a-l-l for the boy" I said proudly.

"Those are some beautiful names" she said writing on her clipboard.

"And if both of you guys can sign this we will be all set" she said smiling.

I took the clipboard and signed the line for mother and Jaja signed for father.

"I'll be right in with Kareem. Kaylani has to stay with us for a couple extra days" she said walking out to get Kareem.

She came back with Kareem after about 7 minutes. She had him wrapped in one of those baby blankets that they give out.

She passed him to me and I instantly fell in love. Jaja climbed into bed and we all fell asleep.

*Skip to the next 2 days*

"Princess hurry up" Jaja said. I was currently in the bathroom getting dressed so that we can go home.

Kaylani is doing perfectly fine. Her breathing and vitals have all return to normal. So we packed up and left the hospital to finally go home.


I know this chapter was boring asf but I got sumn fun in plan for chapter 33.

Keke gave birth finally🥳

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