Chapter 16

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Liam's bodyguard is waiting for us by the front door. He glances at our clasped hands then looks at Liam and shakes his head. The tense expression on his face has me rethinking this whole plan. I start to pull my hand back, but Liam doesn't let go. His long fingers wrap tighter around mine. He squeezes my hand, sending tingles up my arm. It's like my body is hard-wired to respond to this ridiculously beautiful boy, regardless of how annoying he is.

"The two of you are going to cause a damn riot." The bodyguard crosses his arms, making his ginormous biceps bulge.

"Everything's going to be fine. You worry too much, Briggs." Liam claps him on the shoulder. His voice is sure, but his eyes keep flicking to the door in a way that makes me think he isn't quite as confident as he's pretending to be.

"Literally my job." Liam's bodyguard frowns.

Liam chuckles, turning to me. "This is Briggs by the way. Briggs, this is Ada and Elodie."

"Hey," Elodie chimes. I glance over my shoulder at her. She's grinning and bouncing on the balls of her feet like she can't wait to get out there. I wish I could bottle her enthusiasm.

The mob outside the Met was overwhelming. It's not an experience I'm eager to repeat. But I also can't pass up the points I'll get for pictures of the two of us walking out together. Plus, riding home with Liam will give me the chance to dig for more information about his past. There has to be more to his story than what he told me over dessert. Once I know what he's hiding, I can decide whether or not I'm willing to share it with Agnes.

"Alright, you two," Briggs gestures at Elodie and Wesley, "you're going to head out first. I've got a team out front to assist. And you," he glares at Liam, "wait for me to go with you. Are you ready?"

Knowing there's a team of security guards waiting for us helps soothe my frantic nerves. Liam glances at me, and I nod, trying to plaster on a stiff smile. I must fail because Liam laughs out loud.

"Oh, my god. You've got to be the worst actor I've ever met."

Indignation swells, and I sink my nails into the palm of my hand. Liam winces, and I realize that that was actually his palm, since I'm still holding his hand. Oops.

"We can't all be teen prodigies, you know," I grumble.

Liam makes a noise in his throat like I'm frustrating him. "I'm not asking for an Academy-Award-worthy performance here," he says. "But maybe try to stop grimacing?"

"I'm not grimacing. I'm smiling." I stretch my grin wider, and Liam blinks at me.

"Okay, you need to quit doing whatever that is immediately." Liam gestures at my face, and I scowl at him.

"Fine. If you're such an expert, show me how it's done." I plant a hand on my hip.

Liam quirks an eyebrow at me, and I watch as his face slowly transforms into a smile that makes his eyes sparkle. His perfectly white teeth gleam against his golden skin. He's so completely irresistible, he could charm the designer dress and stockings off the freaking Princess of Wales.

"You're hideous," I lie forcing myself to look away from his stupid face.

"Right." Liam barks out a laugh, clearly not buying what I'm selling. "Like I said." He bends down, so his face is only inches from mine. "You're a terrible actor."

"And you're an arrogant ass." I fire back, leaning in closer to him.

"Here we go," Briggs calls, and we take a step back from each other.

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