Chapter 49

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I jiggle my foot up and down and do a few yoga breaths as I stare at the throng of paparazzi waiting outside Lincoln Center. I automatically reach for my necklace, fingers brushing against the skin of my collarbone. I didn't wear it tonight. I need to do this on my own, without Grams's influence.

"You gettin' out today or what, lady?" I meet the cabbie's irritated gaze in the rearview mirror. I'm lightheaded, and my stomach flutters like I swallowed an entire kaleidoscope of butterflies. I'm tempted to have the driver take me straight back home. But I take an unsteady breath and fish into my camera bag for some cash.

Now or never, Ada.

I close my trembling fingers around the door handle and push it open, stepping out onto the sidewalk. The cab pulls away, as I tug on the hem of my tank top and straighten out my yoga pants. Elodie tried to talk me into borrowing her gold dress again, but if I'm going to try and execute a grand gesture, I want to do it as myself.

The crowd of people gathered across the street at Dante Park erupts in applause, and I startle, almost tripping over my feet as I realize they're shouting for me. Elodie's with them, standing in the front row, holding a poster that says, 'Go get 'im, Ada!' All around her, people are calling my name, cheering.

I'm so overwhelmed by their enthusiasm and support, tears flood my eyes. I blink rapidly to keep them from falling. If I'm already on the verge of crying, it doesn't bode well for the rest of the night. I raise a timid hand, giving them a little wave, and they scream.

Having thousands of followers on social media is one thing. It's impossible to wrap my mind around the real people behind those numbers. But seeing everyone here in person, realizing they're rooting for me, it eases some of the sting of letting go of the dream Grams and I had together. She might not have been perfect, but she was there for me always. I never thought I'd find that kind of unconditional support again, but seeing this outpouring of love is giving me hope I was wrong.

The paparazzi have noticed my arrival too. They start swarming, cameras clicking as they hurl questions at me about Liam. I turn and take a step toward the designated press area.

Lincoln Center looms large over us. Its massive, arched windows are golden and bright in the setting sun. It's mind-boggling to think of all the incredible films that have debuted in that building.

"Press pass?" A burly guy with a beard holds up a hand. You'd think all the people shouting my name would be enough for him to let me by, but I grab the pass for tonight's event out of my bag. Thankfully, Agnes didn't think to confiscate it when I quit. He scrutinizes it more closely than is necessary given the circumstances but finally waves me through.

I start trying to push my way past the mob. If it weren't for the fact that Liam and I are the big story again, the photogs would never allow me by.

I plaster on a grin, pretending I'm not about to throw up from nerves. I spot Tyler amidst all the mayhem. He nods at me, and I give him a small smile in return. At the beginning of the summer, I never would've guessed he'd be the last one standing when it was over.

"Ada, have you heard from Liam?" a man yells as I try to get past him.

"Do you think he still loves you?"

Question of the frickin' day, I think, sagging in relief as I break through the throng and find myself pressed up against the waist-high gate separating us from the celebrities who've started working the carpet. I see a few B and C list celebs, but none of the Cipher actors yet.

The paps are still firing away around me. The incessant flashing is as overwhelming as ever, but I do my best to keep smiling. If I'm about to get rejected in front of all these people, I don't also need to become a meme.

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