Chapter 40

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Liam texted me to tell me he got the part. I'm beyond thrilled for him. I am. But it stings a little thinking about how our relationship has helped his career so much while it may have ruined mine. Especially when I walk into the office later that morning, and it's immediately apparent my workday isn't about to go nearly as well as his.

Agnes is standing behind the reception desk, hands on her hips. She doesn't look happy. "We need to talk. Now."

The receptionist—who's yet to say hi or smile at me even once—raises her eyebrows, smirking down at her keyboard. I give her the scuzziest glare I can muster and trail Agnes down the hallway like a kid who's been called to the principal's office in front of the rest of the class.

Chrissy is at the coffee machine in the break room, talking to Tyler as we pass. She pauses mid-conversation when she sees me, a self-satisfied smirk on her face.

Of course. She must have come back and told on me again.

"I thought I made myself clear during our last chat that I wasn't going to tolerate any drama," Agnes snaps as we walk into her office, confirming my suspicions.

I sit across from her. The strap of my camera bag gets caught on the arm of my chair, and I wrestle it free, before sliding it carefully beneath my seat. Reflexively, I begin twisting my star charm between my fingers.

"Why am I being told that you yelled at a coworker for doing their job?" Agnes demands. "Which, I might add, is something you don't seem to be doing a whole lot of lately."

I flinch. Her words bite, like jumping into a hot shower when you've got a sunburn. I've been spinning my wheels trying to figure out a way to land this position and have hardly any new photos to show for it. I scramble for an explanation.

"I'm sorry, Agnes. Yesterday was...intense."

Intense doesn't begin to describe what yesterday was, but I can't tell Agnes that without also telling her about Liam's dad.

"This job is everything to me," I say. "I didn't think you'd be willing to give me points for Chrissy's shots since they weren't staged. And I guess I panicked because I thought they might put her ahead of me."

"Those pictures did put her ahead of you," Agnes says. She might as well have dumped a bucket of ice water over my head. My blood runs cold as I turn to look at the scoreboard.

Ada: 54

Chrissy: 67

Tyler: 49

Not only is Chrissy beating me, but Tyler isn't far behind me now either. I'm blowing this opportunity so badly that it would almost be comical if I couldn't hear my dreams shattering around me.

"The rags went nuts over those photos," Agnes continues. "Those are exactly the kind of pictures this agency needs, which is something I thought you understood. Dating Liam Anders was your decision. I didn't tell you to do that, and I won't jeopardize this agency's ability to sell highly-coveted shots."

Tears form behind my eyes, and I blink down at Agnes's desk. Professional paparazzi do not cry at work, I tell myself. But who am I kidding? I'm not a professional pap and judging by the way things are going, I might not ever be.

"Tell me you've got some new information on Liam," Agnes says.

I chew the inside of my cheek and keep my eyes fixed on the desk.

"That's what I thought." Agnes sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose. "I'm scared to ask if you at least got some photos on this date of yours that I can sell."

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