3. Finding Out You're Pregnant Again

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Namjoon 💖

Namjoon and I have been trying for another baby for a few months now. I took a pregnancy test a few days ago and it came back positive. I'm pregnant with our second child and we can't believe it. Namjoon was with me when I took the test. I took it one night when Namjae had gone to bed. We both screamed when I found out. We haven't told him yet but we will soon. He's kinda too young to know about babies and stuff. We will tell him soon though. Namjoon and I are still on cloud 9 from finding out that we are expecting our second child. We found out the other day and we haven't come down. Namjae is watching TV and Namjoon and I are in the kitchen. He got home from the studio not so long ago so he's helping me prepare dinner. "Jagiya, I still can't believe we are having another baby" he said. "Me too, Joonie. It's just incredible. We are giving Namjae the sibling he's been asking for and the baby we've been hoping for too" I said. "Will it be a girl? Maybe this time. Our boy wants a little sister" Namjoon said. "I know. I hope it's a girl too" I reply. "I've always wanted a little princess" he smiles. Namjoon wraps his arms around me and touches my tummy. "Baby" he whispers. We studio can't believe that we are expecting our second child. Can't wait to tell Namjae he's going to be a big brother

Hoseok 💜

Hoseok and I have been trying to get pregnant for the last few weeks. Good news is I'm a week late on my period and I think I could be pregnant. I've always been feeling unusually tired this week too. I really hope so. We just want another baby. A little brother or sister for Chaeyoung. I've asked Hoseok to go out to the drug store to pick me up a pregnancy test. I forgot to buy one yesterday when I was out. He didn't mind going out for one. He should be back soon. Chaeyoung is taking a nap now so I'm putting my feet up. A few minutes later the door opens and Hoseok walks in. "I'm back. I got one" he said. "Great. Will you take the test with me?" I say. "Of course. You hid it from me the first time" he said. Hoseok follows me into out en suite bathroom. I sit on the toilet and he opens the box and hands it to me. "Do you pee on the stick?" he asks. "Yes you'll wait and see" I reply. I pee on the stick and stand by Hoseok. "Ohhhh this is exciting" he said. He smiles. We both close our eyes and open them a moment later. "Pregnant. I'm pregnant" I exclaim. "Yessssss you're pregnant, jagiya. I can't believe it. I'm so excited" Hoseok said throwing his arms around me and spinning me around. "We are having baby no 2" I say. "We are and I can't believe to meet him or her. I'd love another little girl. That would be awesome" Hoseok smiles. "Me too, Hobi. Love you so much" I reply. "Love you so much too, jagiya" he smiles giving me a kiss. The pregnancy test came back positive. I'm pregnant. We are having another baby and can't wait

Jin 💙

Jin and I have been trying very hard to have a third child recently. We really want another baby in our lives. Can't wait till we do. We definitely agree that soon is a good time since Jiyeon and Jinhwan are now 7 and 3. Maybe I will be pregnant before I know it. Hope so. Jin has taken the kids out. I've stayed in as we are expecting a delivery of something. One of us needed to be around and I volunteered. The delivery should be here soon. I'm always doing some cooking for tonight while they are out. They should be back in about an hour or so. The doorbell goes and the delivery man arrives with our delivery. I accept it and say thank you. I go back into the kitchen and start to feel a little queasy. I take a sip of water to see if it passes but doesn't really. I then take myself off to the bathroom and throw up a little in the sick. I then grab a pregnancy test from the cabinet on the wall. I decide to take it. You never know I might be pregnant. I've taken loads of these before. I could do it with my eyes shut. I open it and take it. A couple of minutes later the test came back with a positive result. I'm pregnant again. Yes. I cannot believe it. I'm pregnant. We are finally having our third child. We are so excited. Can't wait to tell Jin and the kids. I'm gonna tell them all later on this evening. I'm pregnant

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