8. Gender Reveal/ Name

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Namjoon 💖


Yesterday Y/ N and I had a gender reveal party for our friends and family at our place. It went very well. Everyone was so happy to find out that we are having a little girl. Me, Y/ N and Namjae are the most excited and happy of course. Next step is finding a name for our daughter. When we were having Namjae we didn't have to think about girl names as we knew all along that he was a boy. We want to choose a beautiful name for our little girl. I have just put Namjae to bed. I close the door and walk downstairs and go to the lounge where Y/ N is. "Hey, jagiya" I say. "Hi, Joonie. Our boy is all tucked up in bed" she said. "Oh yes he is" I say sitting on the couch. I sit close to Y/ N and cuddle her and touch her bump too. "Y/ N, you know I kinda want to pick a name for our baby girl soon" I said. "Okay, Namjoon. I haven't really thought of any though" Y/ N said. "I'm gonna have a look at some ideas for possible names. "Okay, Joon" she replies. I look on my phone at some possible names for our little girl. "So, babe. There is... Eunjoo, Hayoon, Soomin" I say. "Ummm I don't know if any of those will suit her" she said. "Ah right. Maybe not" I reply. "Sorry" she laughs. We carry on looking at baby girl names. "I kinda think we should go with an N name to go with Namjoon and Namjae" I say. "Sure" Y/ N replies. "Ohhhhh I have one. How about Nayeon. It sounds really cute. Kim Nayeon could be our baby girls name. I love it" I say a few minutes later. "Yes I like it, Joonie. I think it sounds really cute. Nayeon" Y/ N replies. "Okay I think we got it. A name for our princess" I smile. "Yep certainly" she smiles. Our baby girl will be called Nayeon. We are going to tell Namjae we've decided on a name for her in the morning


Hoseok 💜

Hoseok and I are doing a little gender reveal thing for the guys today. We are going to reveal the gender of our baby girl to them by all wearing pink t shirts. Chaeyoung is helping us too of course. She can't wait to be a big sister and she loves her uncles so much too. Nobody knows that we are having a baby girl. The guys have been rehearsing at the studio today and we've asked them to come back to our place after. We have got a takeaway to have for dinner which is arriving soon. First we thought we'd be able to squeeze in our gender reveal. They don't know we are doing that. It's going to be a total surprise. We know the boys love surprises. That's why we are doing it. "Okay, guys. Me and Y/ N have a little announcement before dinner arrives" Hoseok said. "Oh yes we do. I almost forgot, Hobi" I reply. "We recently found out the gender of the baby. Do y'all wanna know if we are having a boy or a girl?" he said. "Yes but I think I know" Jungkook said. "A girl!" Taehyung exclaims. "Okay well we are not going to tell you for a few minutes. Just hang on" Hobi said. We go out of the room with Chaeyoung and throw on our pink shirts and run back into the room. "It's a girl!" Namjoon said. "Yes it's a girl. Kook was right" Hoseok said. "And I was too" Jimin said. "We thought it would be cool to do a little gender reveal while we wait for dinner to arrive" I say. "I'm having a baby sister" Chaeyoung exclaims. "You are, baby girl" Jin smiles. The food arrived on time and we all sat down at the table and ate. "Here's to your new baby girl" Yoongi said raising his glass. "Yes to princess number two" Jungkook said. "The newest ARMY" Namjoon replies. We all cheers each other. It was great having the boys over this evening at our place. They are all so happy to find out that we are having another baby girl. We are about to tell our families too

Jin 💙


Y/ N and I are still not finding out the gender of our third child till he or she is born. We want it to be a total surprise. I think it's gonna be a boy and she thinks it's gonna be a girl. We knew the genders of our first children but want to be surprised this time. We are going to choose a boy and girls name out that we like. We had a few picked out when we were expecting Jinhwan. We are going to see if we still like those names three years later. Y/ N and I are laying in bed waking up or waiting to be woken up by the kids. Sometimes they wake up early on a weekend. I am cuddling my wife right now. My beautiful wife. "Jagiya, what do you think about names for the baby?" I say. "Seokjin, we don't even know the gender yet and we won't till they are born" she replies. Y/ N calls me Seokjin when she's cross with me. "Babe, I kinda want to choose a boy and girls name out just so we are ready for when the baby arrives. We want to know that we'll call them" I said. "Okay fine" she said. "I think we should stick with a J name" I said. I then remember the names we had in mind when Jinhwan was born. "At the time we liked Hajoon, Daesung and Jaehyuk you know if it's a boy. I don't know if you like any of those now. I like Jaehyuk out of those" I said. "Jin, that was a long time ago. I don't know about you but I've been liking the name Jinho recently" she says "Sure" I reply. We then think about girls names. "I can't remember what we liked when we were having Jiyeon but hmmm I think I like Jinjoo or Jiyoung for a girl" I say. "Yeah I agree. I think Jiyeon was almost Jiyoung. We were torn between the two at the time I think" Y/ N said. "So if it's a boy he will be called Jaehyuk or Jinho and if it's a girl she'll be called Jiyoung" I said. "Yeah that's great. If it does end up being a boy we'll have to choose one name. He can't have two" she said. "Yeah that's fine we'll do that. If he looks like a Jaehyuk that will be his name and if he looks like a Jinho that will be his name" I say. So me and Y/ N were discussing baby names and we have a few picked out. Can't wait to find out if our baby is a boy or a girl

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