19. Child Being Overprotective/ Bonding With New Sibling

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Namjoon 💖

Nayeon is now a week old and she's doing great now she's come home from the hospital. Namjae is being a very overprotective and sweet of his little sister. He loves her so much. Namjoon is with us for the next month before he goes back to work. We love having him at home because he's the best dad in the world to our children and the best husband to me of course. Nayeon has just woken up from a nap. I can hear her crying on the baby monitor. Namjoon usually gets her when she's sleeping. "Think that's my cue" he said. "Sure is" I reply. He goes upstairs to where Nayeon is sleeping in our room. A few minutes later he brings her down and sits on the chair next to me. "Here's our sweet girl" he said. "Oh yes. She's just woken up" I reply. "Nayeon" Namjae exclaims. "Your sister has just woken up, son. She's yawning" Namjoon said. He holds Nayeon gently in his arms. She takes a little yawn. "Okay I think someone's still tired" he said. "I'm not tired, Appa" Namjae said. Namjoon laughs. He sits next to Namjoon on the couch. "Is there enough room for you here, buddy?" he said. Namjae laughs and kisses Nayeon. "I love my sister so much. I'm going to take her to so many places when she's grown up" he said. "I bet you will. We can all travel the world together, son" Namjoon said. "Oh yeah" Namjae said. He smiles and kisses Namjae again. "You're the best big brother in the world to Nayeon, Namjae. She loves you so much" I say. "You are just the best, buddy" Namjoon said. Awwww love how good and overprotective Namjae is with Nayeon. He loves his new role as a big brother

Hoseok 💜

Chaeyoung absolutely adores little Heejin. She is now two weeks old and the girls are already the best of friends. We love to see them cuddling and being so close together. That's our girls. Chaeyoung is so so good with her baby sister. She is the best big sister in the world to little Heejin. She loves her so much and we love our girls so much. They are the best things in our lives. Hobi has gone out to do the weekly shopping and I'm at home with our girls. She usually goes with him but she decided to stay at home with Heejin and me. She doesn't want to leave her side. That's so sweet to see. Adorable actually. He's been gone about an hour so he'll be back soon. I miss him when he's out. "Will Appa be home soon?" Chaeyoung asks. "Yes soon, honey. Don't worry" I reply. "Can I cuddle Heejin?" she asks. "Yes when she wakes up, Chaeyoung" I reply. Heejin wakes up soon. Chaeyoung wanted a cuddle like she usually does so I place her on her lap. She can hold her without being assisted. "Mama, I'm a big girl. Aren't I?" Chaeyoung asked. "Yes you are, sweet girl. Of course you are" I reply. Chaeyoung holds Heejin and kisses her head. Just then Hoseok arrives home. "I'm home, my beautiful girls" he said. "Appa back" Chaeyoung said. "I am. I'm back to my girls" he said. "Hi, Hobi. Did you get everything?" I say. "I did and I even came back with more diapers. We go through a lot, babe" he said. "Good thinking. I didn't think of that. Baby brain" I reply. "Silly, eomma" Chaeyoung said. "Your eomma has a lot to think of" Hoseok said. Chaeyoung holds Heejin for a few more minutes before handing her to me. She could cuddle her all day if she had the choice. Awwww so adorable to see our girls bonding. Well they didn't really need to bond. They instantly bonded actually. Hobi and I adore Chaeyoung and Heejin so much

Jin 💙

Jinho is now 10 day's old. He really loves being with his big sister and brother. Jiyeon loves being a big sister more than anything. Jinhwan has taken to being a big brother more in the last couple of days after not being happy when we brought Jinho home. Think he's okay now and he's happy to be a big brother. We love all our kids so much. It's Christmas in a few days and we can't wait to celebrate with our families. We are so excited to. It will be the first time our extended families get to meet Jinho. My sister and parents have met him. Jin's family are going to meet him soon. We are all at home having some family time together. Little Jinho is getting tired so I'll be putting him to bed soon. Jiyeon and Jinhwan will be goong soon too. Once the kids are in bed, me and Jin can have sometime together. "I can't believe it's Christmas in a few days. I'm so excited" Jiyeon said. "I know, princess. You've been very very good this year so Santa will bring you lots of great presents" Jin said. "Hope so" Jiyeon said. "And me too" Jinhwan said. "Of course. You've all been good kids" he smiled. Jinho is in my arms having a feed. He was soon done and I could put him to bed. "Why does Jinho have to go to bed?" Jinhwan said. "Because he's tired, Jinho. You'll be going soon" I reply. "Just five more minutes please, eomma" he said reaching out to me. "Okay then just five more minutes" I say. I sit back down on the couch with Jinho and Jinhwan sits next to me. "It's so nice to see our two boys bonding" Jin said. "It is definitely. I knew Jinhwan would end up loving his brother" I say. "I love him now" Jinhwan said. "Awwww that's lovely to see that brotherly love" I say. "Me and my bro were like that" Jin said. Anyway a few minutes later I go upstairs to put Jinho to bed. Jin puts Jiyeon and Jinhwan to bed not long after. We take it in turns to put the kids to bed. It's so nice to see Jinhwan and Jinho bonding at last

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