9. Child Feels Jealous/ Left Out Over New Sibling Arriving

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Namjoon 💖


I think Namjae has been feeling more lately that he's not going to be an only child for much longer. Our daughter Nayeon will be here soon and we cannot wait to meet her. I know Namjae can't wait to meet his little sister and be a big brother. We probably knew he wasn't going to be an only child forever. Namjae is going to be an incredible big brother though. We know he will. Namjoon and I are in bed waiting to fall asleep soon. We fall asleep before midnight most nights. Namjoon and I are laid close together in bed and we are cuddling. We are ready to fall asleep soon. We are talking when the door opens and Namjae walks in. "Mommy, daddy. I can't sleep" he said. "Why can't you sleep, Namjae?" I say. "Because I can't" he replies. "Come here, little man" Namjoon said. He lifts Namjae up on the bed. "Tell daddy why can't you sleep?" he said. "Because I don't think you and eomma love me anymore" Namjae said. "Why would you think that, sweet boy?" I say. "My baby sister will be here soon and you won't have time for me anymore" Namjae said. "Oh, Namjae. That's not true. Of course we'll have time for you. Me and you can still have our father, son times" Namjoon said. "Of course we'll have time for you, Namjae. We love you so much. We will love both you and Nayeon equally" I said. "Okay, mommy. I feel better now" he said. "See, son. Me and your mommy love you so much" Namjoon said. Namjoon puts Namjae back to bed and tuck him in. Our little boy doesn't need to worry about that. We love him with all our hearts

Hoseok 💜

Chaeyoung has been having a little trouble sleeping at night lately. Think she's been having a few nightmares. I know change is big for a child of her age. She can't wait be a big sister though. We are really proud of our little princess though. How she's handling things. Our baby girl is so precious to us and will be forever when our second baby girl is here. We can't wait to be a family of four soon. It's the middle of the night and Hoseok and I are fast asleep. Now that I'm in the later stages of pregnancy I'm finding hard to sleep but I've been through it before so I'm used to it. I wake up to go to the bathroom and I hear something from in Chaeyoung's room. It sounds like she's crying. I wake Hoseok up and say "Hobi, I think Chaeyoung is crying" I say. "Is she?" he said. Hobi gets out of bed and we go into Chaeyoung's room and yes she is crying. "What's the matter, baby girl? You're crying" Hoseok said. "Nightmare" Chaeyoung cries. "Awe you had a nightmare, sweetie" I say. "Yes" she said. "About what?" Hoseok asks. "She's too upset, Hoseok. She doesn't have to tell us" I say. Hobi puts his arms around Chaeyoung and comforts her. "Appa is here, princess. He got you" he said. "And eomma too" I said. "Can I sleep with you?" Chaeyoung said. "Yes of course, baby girl. We can have cuddles" Hoseok said. She gave us a little smile too. Chaeyoung goes into our room and sleeps with us for the rest of the night. She felt much better being close to us. We hate to see her getting upset

Jin 💙

Jinhwan has been feeling a little down lately. He knows he has a baby brother or sister on the way. We know having a new sibling can be a lot for a young child to deal with. Jiyeon dealed well when Jinhwan was on the way. Jinhwan is a shy and quiet little boy anyway. Our children are different and this next one probably will be too. Can't wait to meet him or her. Jinhwan has been keeping himself to himself recently. I'm going to try and get Jin to talk to him. "Jin, can you see what's going on with Jinhwan? He won't open up. I'm really worried about him" I said. "Sure, babe. I'll try and get him to talk to me" Jin said. Jinhwan was in his room so Jin goes in quietly and sits on his bed. "Can Appa talk to you, Jinhwan? Me and eomma are worried about you" he said. "Okay" Jinhwan replies. I listen from outside. "What's going on, son? You haven't seemed yourself lately" Jin said. Jinhwan goes quiet for a minute. "Please tell daddy if there's anything wrong and he can help?" Jin said. "Okay. I don't want a baby brother or sister. I want to be the youngest forever" Jinhwan said. "Awww, son. We love you so much. Don't worry you're not changing when the baby comes. You and Jiyeon are still so special and precious to us" Jin said. "Okay, daddy. Sorry" Jinhwan said. "It's fine, son. As long as you're okay" he said. A moment later I quietly go in. "Jinhwan, don't worry. I thought you were excited to be a big sister" I say. "I am, eomma" he replies hugging me. Jiyeon then comes in. "Don't worry, Jinhwan. We are here. It's so exciting when I new baby comes" she said. She gets on the bed and we have a family hug together all as a family. Poor little Jinhwan. I know it's a big thing for him but he'll be okay as we all love him so much

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