16. Labor/ Delivery- Jungkook 💚

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Y/ N is over two weeks off giving birth to our daughter Isla. We can't be parents and welcome her into the world. Jayden is so excited to be a big brother. We are in LA. That's where Isla will be born and that's where we'll spend the next while till we go back to Korea. We had a rough and traumatic birth with Jayden. He was born a month early and needed to be delivered by emergency c section. They delivered him but when he was born he wasn't breathing and he developed an infection in his lungs so he had to stay in the NICU for a while till he was full term. It was so painful and hard to watch him go through that. Our hearts were heavy. Now you wouldn't think he was a premature baby. Hopefully we won't have anything like that with Isla. We can't wait till she's here. Me, Y/ N and Jayden are at home right now relaxing and enjoying time while we can. I am spending sometime with my son before I'm a father again. Jayden and I are playing with his racing cars. He loves playing with his toys. In LA sometimes it's too hot to go outside during the day. Y/ N is sat on the couch watching us play. "My boys. Soon me and Isla will be able to do girl things" she said. "Yes you will because our girl will be here soon" I said. Me and Jayden continue playing for a bit longer. Y/ N gets up and goes to the bathroom. I don't think she's feeling that good tbh. Almost 10 minutes later and she hasn't come back so I go and check on her. Jayden continues playing on his own. I knock on the bathroom door and say "Are you okay, honey? You've been a while" I say. "Jungkook, I think my waters have broken" she said. "Really? You're in labor then" I reply. "Yeah I think so I'm having a few contractions too" Y/ N said. "Can I come in?" I say. "Yes of course". I walk into the bathroom and stand by Y/ N. "Are the contractions frequent?" I ask. "Not too yet" she replies. "Okay I'm here, baby" I reply. When the contractions got more frequent we went to the hospital. Jayden came with us as there was no one available to look after him yet. Y/ N has an aunt nearby but she's working at the moment and doesn't finish for a couple of hours. We get there and Y/ N gets taken into a delivery room and examined. She was only less than dilated so it will be a while before little Isla arrives

We have been in the hospital for the last few hours now and still no sign of our lovely baby girl. The midwives said it might still take sometime now which is okay as we are being patient and waiting. Y/ N didn't have to do this the first time as Jayden was delivered by c section. Our baby girl is being born naturally. Hopefully everything will go okay when the time comes. I stay by Y/ N's side as she lays in the hospital bed waiting for labor to progress. Jayden is now with Y/ N's aunt who lives nearby. He will be with her till we come home. The midwives keep coming in to check on her. It's now 6pm and we've been here for four hours. "Y/ N, it might not be long now. Labor seems to be getting closer. I'll come in again in an hour" the midwife said. "Okay that's fine. Not long now, Kookie" she smiles. "I know, baby. I'm so excited to meet our little angel" I reply. Y/ N smiles back. A couple of hours later and it was almost time for Y/ N to push. Isla is nearly here. I sit by her side as she pushes. "You can do it, baby. I'm here cheering you on" I say. "I know" she says breathlessly. Not gonna lie I felt a little feint in the delivery room but I pulled myself together. Y/ N keeps on pushing and pushing. She struggled to breathe and needed the oxygen. "Come on. You're nearly there, love" I say kissing her hand. "Y/ N, your baby girl is almost here" the midwife said encouragingly. I still continue to hold her hand as she pushes. "I think just one or two more big pushes, Y/ N. She's very nearly here" the midwife said. Y/ N pushes twice more till Isla is born. "She's here. Well done" the midwife said. She cleans Isla off and wraps her in a blanket and hands her to Y/ N and puts her straight on her chest. "She's beautiful. Does she have a name?" the midwife said. "Thank you. Yes she is. We are calling her Isla" Y/ N replies. "Beautiful name for a beautiful baby" the midwife said. "Hello, Isla. Welcome to the world, sweetheart" I say. "Jungkook, she's just beautiful" she smiles. Our beautiful baby girl Isla Rose is here now

Your POV

After several hours in labor our baby girl Isla came into the world. She is beautiful. Me and Jungkook are so in love with her. Our beautiful little girl. Isla is wrapped up in a blanket laying on my chest right now. Jungkook is sat by us. We've just told our families that we've welcomed her into the world safely. "I can't believe she's here. I'm a father of two now" he said. "I know. She's gorgeous, Kook. Aren't you, Isla?" I reply. "Oh she is. She's definitely going to break hearts. Any boy she dates will have to be approved by me but no one will ever be good enough for her" Jungkook replies. "Yes that's right" I reply. "Can daddy hold her now?" he asked. "Yes of course you can" I reply. I hand little Isla to Jungkook so he can hold her for the first time. "Hey, lovely little Isla. I'm your daddy" he said. "You are. You have the best daddy and big brother in the world, Isla" I reply. "Oh yes and you have the best mommy too. She's an incredible woman and I'm so proud of her giving birth to you" Jungkook said. "Yeah I think I did okay" I reply. "You did amazing, baby" he smiles. He smiles and kisses Isla on her forehead. "I think she's gonna be a daddy's girl, Y/ N although you'd love her to be a mommy's girl so you can do your girl things while me and Jayden do our boy things" he said. "She can be a mommy and a daddy's girl" I say. Our beautiful little girl Isla is here safe and well and we are so in love with her. She's a little angel

💗 Isla Rose Jeon 💗Born July 5th @ 9:11pmWeight 7lbs 11oz

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💗 Isla Rose Jeon 💗
Born July 5th @ 9:11pm
Weight 7lbs 11oz

A/ N: awwww baby Isla is beautiful. I thought I'd do this one different and do half in his PoV to make it more interesting

Last but not least Yoongi. Do you think he's having twin girls, twin boys or a girl and a boy. You'll wait and see

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